Boxing Day 2022

by Adam Hilton

Bob Sampson

Sailing on Boxing Day has long been a tradition of the Tamar Lake club and this Boxing Day was no exception. However the still present virus, family commitments and like impediments reduced the numbers of members attending to about a dozen. These few however were rewarded by a sparkling Lake, full of water with the excess cascading over the dam; such a pleasure to see after the miserable puddle of the drought-ridden summer which had meant that the racing season had to be cut short. Moreover the weather turned out sunny, not too cold and with sharp little north-westerly winds, perfect for propelling sailing dinghies up and down.

Two Bosun dinghies went out. John Dabbs took one of the Club’s Bosuns with Ethan Walker as crew. Adam Hilton’s Bosun had Anna Walker at the helm with her mother and the owner as crew. The little fleet took two tacks to get up to Far buoy, then reached back towards the Dam, turned and repeated the exercise. The Club’s always fast, pale blue Rob Eason Bosun easily out-paced the Hilton boat. The crews came off the water beaming; so grateful to have been back on the water  at Tamar Lake. Roll on the spring and the new racing season!


Tamar Lake – 4th October 2022

Nicky Buckett

Still No Water!

SWLT suspended all on-water activities on Tamar Lake on 8th August – see SWLT website for more information

John Dabbs went to the lake on Sunday 2nd October.
Nicky went to the lake on Tuesday 4th October and took the above photos.

They put the following posts on the club WhatsApp group…
If you would like to join the UTLSC WhatsApp group please let Penny know – 07917 020775


John Dabbs: A 150mm dia temporary pipe line has been installed at Tamar Lakes, allowing water to be pumped from the Lower Lake to the Upper Lake. Any ideas why?

Nicky Buckett: Was up there yesterday, talked to Cameron he said they are pumping water up to upper tamar from lower Tamar to maintain the flow in the river connecting them for the wild life and to keep the filters having water flow through.


Sat 10th Sept 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

@Roadford Lake

Roadford was hosting a triathlon on Sunday so RLSC switched their races to the Saturday. Their fleet was reduced to two Supernovas. UTLSC was represented by John Dabbs with Cilla Gilbert in John’s Bosun, Adam Hilton in his Solo and Bob Sampson’s Laser.

Results shown are copied from RLSC files.

14 Sep at Roadford Lake

There was a good bit more blow than the 8mph south-easterlies forecast but it had subsided by the time we got on the water and the sun came out. Leila Farmer, crewing in John Dabbs’ Bosun, blew her whistle for the start and we set off towards a yellow buoy somewhere in that unfamiliarly large expanse of water. The Supernovas took to the front but Bob Sampson (Laser) kept up and the handicap gave him the win. Linda Spiller (Radial) drew away from Adam Hilton’s Solo. Geoff Floyd (Solo) followed along with the Bosun. Robin Spiller did two laps of the three in his Streaker. A nice little sail.

National PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Bob Sampson LASER 1100 00:53:02 0:48:13
2 Dave (RLSC) SUPERNOVA 1077 00:52:08 0:48:24
3 Steve (RLSC) SUPERNOVA 1077 00:52:30 0:48:45
4 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1147 00:57:40 0:50:17
5 Adam Hilton SOLO 1142 00:59:33 0:52:09
6 John Dabbs Leila Farmer BOSUN 1232 01:07:00 0:54:23
7 Geoff Floyd SOLO 1142 01:04:00 0:56:03
8 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1128 RET

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

21st August 2022 Race Report

Roadford Lake Sailing Club August Series

While Upper Tamar Lake remains the unsailable Upper Tamar Pond a number of club members have taken their boats to Roadford Lake where the sailing club has been generous in its welcome and invitation to join in their races without fuss or formality. And so on Sunday 21st five Tamar boats signed on for that day’s RLSC August series; two races run back-to-back. John Dabbs had brought his Bosun and Cilla Gilbert had offered to crew. There were two Lasers; Bob Sampson’s Full and Linda Spiller’s Radial. Robin Spiller had his Streaker and Adam Hilton his Solo. Geoff Floyd had taken his Solo to Roadford but wasn’t available that Sunday.

Roadford Lake was massively down from full but it’s a very large lake and there was plenty of water to sail on; indeed without coming anywhere near using the extremities of the lake the course had legs of unfamiliar length, somewhat disturbing when helms were not at all sure which buoy they were aiming at until the leader rounded it, particularly when the course was changed after the first race without anyone being able to go ashore to look at it on a plan or even borrow a pen to write it down! The wind varied from barely present to squally with accompanying rain.

The RLSC fleet at present seems to consist of Supernovas (racing with a 1077 handicap), Lasers (on the national 1100 handicap) and a lone Wayfarer. The home team won both races; Bob Sampson however, was up there with the leaders, fourth in the first race and third in the second.


Race 1

4th      Bob Sampson (Laser Full)

7th      Adam Hilton (Solo)

8th      Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)

10th    John Dabbs and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

11th    Robin Spiller (Streaker)


Race 2

3rd      Bob Sampson (Laser Full)

5th      Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)

8th      John Dabbs and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

7th August 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Mandy Pollard

Commodore Cup 2 (National PNs)

The water in Tamar Lake continues to drop making it too shallow to get to West. In addition a big fishing competition meant there was too little space between the fishing lines to get into Inlet or go further north than Middle. So a new buoy was dropped, west of Middle, to add a little breadth to the course. But the sun shone and there was more wind than the force 1s and 2s forecast with the result that two excellent races took place.

The winds being from points around north, with occasional decidedly eastern gusts, reaching Middle meant tacking and Penny Abbott, who was running the races, made sure those tacks were important by demanding that Zebra be taken to starboard but Home 2 and Middle be taken to port.  Vicki Duncalf’s Topper was first over the line but it was Nathan Pollard’s Laser that passed Home 2 in first place with Bob Sampson’s sister Laser chasing and John Dabbs’ Bosun, with David Perrett, in third. By the time they reached the new western buoy, tentatively called New Dabbs after the hero who dropped it, Adam Hilton’s Solo had taken third place and Brian Pollard, with Cilla Gilbert, had caught up the other Bosun. Thereafter the order changed little, the two Lasers lapping the rear of the field on the last lap.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Nathan Pollard LASER 1100 0:33:40 0:30:36
2 Bob Sampson LASER 1100 0:33:58 0:30:53
3 John Dabbs BOSUN 1232 0:39:46 0:32:17
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1142 0:37:00 0:32:24
5 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1365 0:45:44 0:33:30
6 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1232 0:44:51 0:36:24
7 Graham Joyce LASER 1100 RET
8 Penny Abbott OOD


Spalding Cup 2 (UTLSC PNs)

The wind had come round more to the north which made the startline windward buoy a very congested place with the result that the first start was recalled with boats prematurely over the line. At the second start the Solo of Adam Hilton was first and led up the course although to leeward of the warring Lasers of Bob Sampson and Nathan Pollard who arrived at the northernmost buoy in front. The Solo got stuck in irons, allowed the whole field to pass and spent the rest of the race recovering. The Lasers continued to battle, Bob Sampson ending lap 1 in front but Nathan Pollard leading at the end of each subsequent lap. The two Bosuns were also locked in conflict after Brian Pollard had made up for a slow start and led the Dabbs Bosun for the first two laps. Lap 3 was epic with the Bosun order reversing at Home 2 and again at Middle with the two boats very close at Dam Green; Dabbs just ahead. The Officer of the Day had added an extra buoy to add spice to the rather featureless run back towards the Dam. So many buoys to round caught out Graham Joyce who having a fine race in his Laser; he had to retire after going the wrong side of Zebra. The handicaps tossed the order in the air, with Vicki Duncalf, who had finished this race last but much closer to the faster boats than in the previous race, being awarded first place.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 0:42:58 0:32:13
2 John Dabbs David Perrett BOSUN 1236 0:40:07 0:32:27
3 Nathan Pollard LASER 1075 0:35:18 0:32:50
4 Bob Sampson LASER 1075 0:35:46 0:33:16
5 Adam Hilton SOLO 1143 0:38:16 0:33:29
6 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1236 0:41:39 0:33:42
7 Graham Joyce LASER 1075 RET
8 Penny Abbott OOD

Penny Abbott was Officer Of the Day; Mandy Pollard took the photos. Many thanks to both of them.

Wednesday 3rd August 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Teatime Plate 1

The forecast was for grey skies and force 3 gusting 4. What turned up was sun and force 2 gusting 3. Too late! The fair-weather sailors had already decided there were more important things to do (mending knees, tending children). On the other hand the fleet received a very welcome visit from a rare bird, Steve Axford, who took out his Laser Radial. John Dabbs had Louise Witchell as crew in Quebec and Adam Hilton’s Bosun had David Perrett up front. The water of the Lake was still just as low so all that was done to Nicky Buckett’s Sunday straight-up-and-down course was to extend it, now that there were no fishermen, to Pinky. Steve Axford got away well and soon pulled out a lead although not a big one until the third (and last) lap. John Dabbs followed, kept thoroughly honest (again for the first two laps) by the Hilton/Perret Bosun. John and Ruth Savage came to the Lake and Dave Perrett took the opportunity to buy John’s Solo. Expect to see it on the water with a sparkling new coat of paint shortly.

  1. John Dabbs and Louise Witchell (Bosun)
  2. Adam Hilton and David Perrett (Bosun)
  3. Steve Axford (Laser Radial)


Adam Hilton should have run the races but was needed on the water so pressed the button and ran.

31st July 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Nicky Buckett

Commodore’s Cup 1 (National PNs)

Bob Sampson (Laser Radial) was the first to cross the start line of a Tamar Lake massively diminished by the lack of rain and the available water further restricted by a fifty rod fishing competition. The only possible course that Officer of the Day Nicky Buckett could set was a straight one going up to Middle – not enough water to go any further north – and back to the Dam. A lap of such a course took about five minutes so to have a race of a reasonable duration six laps went by before the finish. Nathan Pollard in another Laser Radial chased in second place and ended the race a mere seven seconds behind.  The westerly winds revved up for the start of the race causing Adam Hilton’s third placed Solo to capsize mid-gibe at Middle. Brian Pollard’s Bosun, Cilla Gilbert crewing, took over third place and kept it. Roger Heasman’s Bosun, with David Perrett, followed in fourth but was overtaken on the second lap by John Dabbs and Vicki Duncalf in their sister dinghy only to give back the place on the finish line when stuck in irons. The leading Lasers lapped the rest of the field.

  1. Bob Sampson (Laser Radial)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)
  3. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  4. Roger Heasman and David Perrett (Bosun)
  5. John Dabbs and Vicki Duncalf (Bosun)

Retired: Adam Hilton (Solo), Geoff Floyd (Solo)


Spalding Cup 1

The fleet was reduced to five boats by the withdrawal of the two Solos and Adam Hilton replaced Cilla Gilbert as Brian Pollard’s crew. The wind was reduced too. Brian Pollard got away first although the two Lasers had no trouble overtaking him. Nathan Pollard led for a couple of laps, then Bob Sampson took over for a couple, then Nathan Pollard caught up on lap 5, had the inside line at Dam Green and managed to finish the race in front; an epic battle with less than a second between them on the finish line. There was also a non-stop dingdong between the two Bosuns, the gap between them constantly varying but the lead not changing.

  1. Bob Sampson (Laser Radial)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)
  3. Brian Pollard and Adam Hilton (Bosun)
  4. Roger Heasman and David Perrett (Bosun)

Nicky Buckett was Officer Of the Day assisted by Penny Abbott. Thanks to them.

Wednesday 27th July 2022 Race Report

Teatime Tankard 7

The relaxation of Algae restrictions attracted an enormous fleet of seven boats! But there was no wind. These barely present winds were mostly from points around west and the one lap raced took over an hour.

Adam Hilton, glad to be back in his Solo, led the fleet towards Home 2 with the other Solo following; Geoff Floyd very glad to be back in that. John Buckett (glad etc) was third in his Otter and Jane Anderson followed, learning the slightly different ropes of her new Topper which has replaced the one crushed in Storm Eunice. John Dabbs who’d borrowed Roger Heasman’s crew, David Perrett, had the first Bosun  to cross the line. The remaining boats – Bob Sampson taking his granddaughter Amelia in a Club Bosun and his daughter-in-law Melanie in his Laser – struggled to get to Home 2 at all. The three lead boats had a lot of trouble finding any wind to take them round Inlet which enabled Jane Anderson and John Dabbs to move through the fleet; the latter was looking to take second place, only for Geoff Floyd to call starboard on him, forcing John to go about and lose ground. On the way to Pinky the Buckett Otter, Anderson Topper and the two Sampson-helmed craft chose to stay close to the Devon bank and profited from it. Suddenly the little stretch of water around the buoy became very congested! The lightweight crew piloting the Rob Eason Club Bosun – always the fastest Bosun in the fleet – sneaked around Pinky in first place but were immediately overtaken by Adam Hilton’s Solo which had cut inside. Jane Anderson followed these two boats. ‘Running’ back to Dam Green reminded the OOD of watching paint dry and after that buoy the leader lost any wind he had had, Bob Sampson finding himself in almost as bad a position whereas Jane Anderson whistled up a little puff of wind which took her past these two and over the finish line of the shortened race in first place. The handicaps left the first three in the positions they had held on the water but Geoff Floyd who finished fourth, was demoted a place and John Buckett promoted.

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Bob and Amelia Sampson (Bosun)
  3. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  4. John Buckett (Otter)
  5. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  6. John Dabbs and David Perrett (Bosun)
  7. Melanie Sampson (Laser)

Roger Heasman was Officer Of the Day and earned the undying gratitude of the fleet by shortening the race to one lap.

Wednesday 20th July 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Bosuns Blue-Green 11

Northwesterly Beaufort 4s gusting 5 led to a general agreement to give the Bosuns small sails, maybe unnecessarily as it turned out but making for comfortable sailing in well-matched boats. Roger Heasman (with Dave Perrett) got away first, followed by John Dabbs (with Louise Witchell) starboard tacking towards Middle. Adam Hilton (with Geoff Floyd) took a different approach, tacking early, but getting no advantage. Roger was first at the buoy with John following. However Roger touched the mark and had to perform a 360, putting him third at West White. John Dabbs’ lead was short-lived since he found his rudder bobbing about at surface level rather than held down. This enabled Roger to reach Pinky first with Adam second. That order stayed the same past the end of lap 1 and on to Middle which Roger rounded successfully this time. John tried to make the buoy before Adam but didn’t; getting out of the way cost him a lot of time. The final mishap was John touching Dam Green at the end of lap 2 after which the order stayed the same although the Hilton/Floyd Bosun was only ten seconds behind the Heasman/Perret one as they crossed the finish line.

  1. Roger Heasman and David Perrett (Bosun)
  2. Adam Hilton and Geoff Floyd (Bosun)
  3. John Dabbs and Louise Witchell (Bosun)


Bosuns Blue-Green 12

Bob Sampson took over the helm of the Hilton Bosun with Geoff Floyd still as crew and he was first over the line three seconds after the horn blew. John was second but only a breath ahead of Roger. John was first to tack but long starboard tacks proved more useful and at Middle Bob was half a Lake width ahead with the other two transom to bow. That gap lengthened as they multi-tacked up to Pinky with John overtaking Bob and easily rounding the buoy first. Then all three Bosuns goose-winged their way back to Dam Green, the only question being whether and when to gibe. At the start of the new lap Roger got past Bob as John increased his lead. On the run back from Pinky Bob was making up water on Roger, gained an overlap on him, and rounded the buoy first. However on the tack to the line Roger could point higher and tack later, giving him the lead as they crossed. However, a tack or two after Bob was able to call starboard on Roger only to have the shroud of the Hilton Bosun give way, leaving him no option but to drift to the Devon shore and retire.

  1. John Dabbs and Louise Witchell (Bosun)
  2. Roger Heasman and David Perrett (Bosun)

Retired: Bob Sampson and Geoff Floyd (Bosun)

Bob Sampson OODed the first race, Adam Hilton the second; many thanks to them.


Wednesday 13th July 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Leila Farmer

Bosuns Blue-Green 9

There were some fresh little winds coming from the northwest and the temperature was down to 18 degrees; sailors had to add a layer of clothing! Ethan Walker had the Club Bosun with Bob Sampson as mentor. Louise Witchell crewed for John Dabbs and Leila Farmer for Adam Hilton. Roger Heasman was supported by David Perrett, as has become the norm. John Dabbs was away first with Ethan Walker following. This pair diced throughout the race. Adam Hilton was next and his Bosun swapped places with Roger Heasman several times before the Hilton jib halyard came loose and he lost time. The first buoy was Inlet and the hill behind made it really hard to get round.

  1. Ethan Walker and Bob Sampson (Bosun)
  2. John Dabbs and Louise Witchell (Bosun)
  3. Roger Heasman and David Perrett (Bosun)
  4. Adam Hilton and Leila Farmer (Bosun)


Bosuns Blue-Green 10

This was a race in which everyone had a go at leading as well as having a turn bringing up the rear. John Dabbs got away first, tacked fairly early and found himself having to duck behind the Heasman transom. He probably retook the lead on the way to Inlet but it was very close at the buoy and Roger had the inside line and got away first towards Middle while the Dabbs sails flapped in the lea of the hill. On the way to Pinkie John again tacked early but got no benefit, losing water to Ethan. Close to Pinkie there was little space, what with fishermen on Cornwall and the low water. Multiple tacks were required to get round. Ethan was first, John second. On the way to West three goose-winging Bosuns lined up but the order stayed the same until after Dam Green when John did best tacking to Inlet. However it was Ethan who made up ground on the way to Pinkie, was first around West and then increased his lead. John fell back towards Roger but was still ahead of him at the end of an eventful two lap race.

  1. Ethan Walker and Bob Sampson (Bosun)
  2. John Dabbs and Louise Witchell (Bosun)
  3. David Perrett and Roger Heasman (Bosun)

Bob Sampson was down to OOD but was needed in a boat. Adam Hilton and Leila Farmer ran the second race and she took the photos.