23rd August 2020 Race Report

Covid 19 Sunday Race 11

Nine boats were signed on for the race but only seven started. The wind was coming from the west in powerful and unpredictable gusts but in the boat park, sheltered by the hill behind, it seemed quite benign. John Dabbs, crewless in his Bosun, once on the water, found that there was more power to these blasts than he could control single-handed. Geoff Floyd (Solo) suspected the same thing, left his boat on shore and boarded the Dabbs Bosun, unfortunately too late to take the start.

Bob Sampson was the first of the four Laser 4.7s in the race to cross the start line. Jane Anderson’s sister Laser followed, beginning a race long battle which she eventually won. Adam Hilton’s Solo started in front of the other Laser 4.7s of Linda Spiller and Penny Abbott. Roger Heasman with Sally Wills (Bosun) entered into the race’s other four lap struggle – with Robin Spiller (Streaker Wave) – which the Bosun won in the end by a handful of seconds.

The beat to West proved crucial each lap, many seconds could be lost by misjudging the tacks. Adam Hilton was finding the Solo untameable and soon let past Linda Spiller’s Laser behind him; Penny Abbott’s got past too on lap 3. But for many helms what will remain in the memory is the speed of the planing up to and back from Far. The Commodore came off the water saying nothing had ever taken him back up the Lake as fast as that wind on that last lap.


Rank HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1190 50:36 0:42:31
2 Bob Sampson LASER 4.7 1190 50:50 0:42:43
3 Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1190 52:36 0:44:12
4 Penny Abbott LASER 4.7 1190 54:02 0:45:24
5 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 54:56 0:48:01
6 Roger Heasman Sally Wills BOSUN 1234 60:24 0:48:57
7 Robin Spiller Streaker Wave 1217 60:40 0:49:51
8 Geoff Floyd SOLO 1144 RET
8 John Dabbs BOSUN 1234 RET

Personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1189 52:36 0:44:14
2 Bob Sampson LASER 4.7 1129 50:50 0:45:02
3 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1119 50:36 0:45:13
4 Penny Abbott LASER 4.7 1190 54:02 0:45:24
5 Roger Heasman Sally Wills BOSUN 1280 60:24 0:47:11
6 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 54:56 0:48:21
7 Robin Spiller Streaker Wave 1217 60:40 0:49:51
8 John Dabbs BOSUN 1289 RET
8 Geoff Floyd SOLO 1307 RET

Covid 19 Sunday Race 12

There were still seven boats in the race because Geoff Floyd had climbed into his Solo  and Adam Hilton, who had left his Solo on the bank, had gone to crew for John Dabbs. Robin Spiller was resting his Streaker.

Jane Anderson restarted her contest with Bob Sampson by leading him over the line in front of Linda Spiller and the Dabbs /Hilton Bosun. But Bob Sampson was already ahead on lap 1 and got some lucky gusts that by the end had planed him a lead of over half a minute over Jane Anderson. Penny Abbott did well with the tacking to West, overtook Linda Spiller and stayed ahead. The Heasman/Wills Bosun with full-sized sails easily overtook the Dabbs/Hilton Bosun flying little ones. Geoff Floyd’s Solo, also with a small sail, eventually overtook as well and finished all of ten seconds ahead of John Dabbs.


Rank HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Bob Sampson LASER 4.7 1190 41:20 0:34:44
2 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1190 41:57 0:35:15
3 Penny Abbott LASER 4.7 1190 43:19 0:36:24
4 Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1190 43:42 0:36:43
5 Roger Heasman Sally Wills BOSUN 1234 45:55 0:37:13
6 John Dabbs Adam Hilton BOSUN 1234 52:03 0:42:11
7 Geoff Floyd SOLO 1144 51:52 0:45:20

Personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Roger Heasman Sally Wills BOSUN 1280 45:55 0:35:52
2 Penny Abbott LASER 4.7 1190 43:19 0:36:24
3 Bob Sampson LASER 4.7 1129 41:20 0:36:37
4 Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1189 43:42 0:36:45
5 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1119 41:57 0:37:29
6 Geoff Floyd SOLO 1307 51:52 0:39:41
7 John Dabbs Adam Hilton BOSUN 1289 52:03 0:40:23

Grateful thanks were given to John and Vicki Duncalf who ran the races and to Sue Murray who took the photographs.

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

16th August 2020 Race Report

Covid 19 Sunday Race 10

The various forecasters agreed that the wind would be very fitful indeed but could not agree whether the clouds would be black or the sun shining or thunder and lightning dominating the sky. In the event the wind was perfectly serviceable, if decidedly on the light side, and the rain held off for the noon race and the time to eat a sandwich afterwards. There were a few gleams of sun and no thunder.

Without these uncertainties there might have been more than the seven boats that took to the water. Three were Lasers, Bob Sampson’s and Linda Spiller’s flying big sails whereas Jane Anderson had put up a Radial. Robin Spiller was out in his Streaker, John Dabbs dithered between Bosun and Gull but went with the Gull on the curious grounds that it was easier to get in and out of the water. Vicki Duncalf was in her familiar Topper but didn’t have a very good day; too little wind. The unusual sight was the Commodore sailing his RS Aero with a size 9 sail for the first time.

The wind was coming over the Dam so the race had Dam Green as the first buoy. The beat up to it already made clear that the Lasers and the Aero were going to scrap for most of the race. Bob Sampson headed the fleet at the end of each lap but Jane Anderson was second on the first lap, Linda Spiller was second on the second and Adam Hilton was second on the third!


  1. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
  2. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
  3. John Dabbs (Gull)
  4. Linda Spiller (Laser Full)
  5. Adam Hilton (RS Aero 9)
  6. Robin Spiller (Streaker)
  7. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)


The rain started and the wind dropped away so the second race was not run. Grateful thanks were given to John Duncalf, Officer of the Day.

9th August 2020 Race Report

Covid 19 Sunday Race 8

First across the start line was John Dabbs (Bosun), followed by Robin Spiller (Streaker) and then Graham Joyce, racing his Laser for the first time this season. John Dabbs maintained his advantage and rounded West in the lead but was being harried by first Robin Spiller and afterwards Linda Spiller (Laser Full).

It was a day of very light winds, sometimes no wind at all. The fleet was soon spread out across the middle of the Lake, as though glued to a sheet of glass. The yellow-hulled Solo twins (Geoff Floyd and Adam Hilton) found themselves in a central position and able to pick up any breaths the wind gods chose to emit. They reached Pinkie first after multiple slow motion tacks and Adam Hilton – Solo sail number 3300 – rounded it 33 minutes and 33 seconds after the start!

It was good to see a decent complement of Bosuns now that members from different households are permitted to sail double-handed. They were bunched together, Bob Sampson with a family crew, including small granddaughter Amelia, was close to Roger Heasman with regular crew Sally Wills, John Dabbs and the Witchells.

The run back to Dam Green was rather quicker, with sporadic puffs of wind bringing the rear of the fleet closer to the front where Adam Hilton still led Geoff Floyd and Linda Spiller. Nonetheless the race was shortened to one lap which took the leading boats over fifty minutes.

  1. Bob Sampson and crew (Bosun)
  2. John Dabbs (Bosun)
  3. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  4. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  5. RobinSpiller (Streaker)
  6. Linda Spiller (Laser Full)
  7. Graham Joyce (Laser Full)

Retired: Roger Heasman and Sally Wills (Bosun), Louise and Colin Witchell (Bosun)

Covid 19 Sunday Race 9

John Duncalf, Officer of the Day, shortened the course by omitting the northernmost buoy in order to avoid having the fleet stuck again trying to get up there. But in the event the wind was a touch fresher and more consistent, even having the cheek to capsize Linda Spiller’s Laser at West. Laps of the short course – up to West, across to Home 2 and back to Dam Green – were taking about eight minutes.

Graham Joyce had a great start, but he was well to leeward and soon had to tack, then came across the Commodore on starboard, had to tack again and lost his advantage. John Dabbs was close behind followed by Robin Spiller. Linda Spiller soon took over the lead and held it throughout, with Adam Hilton behind her and with Robin Spiller threatening to overtake him. At the end of lap 1 the single handed Bosun pair of Bob Sampson (now without family) and John Dabbs powered past Home 1 but Graham Joyce, all unawares, went the wrong side of the buoy and could not benefit from his third position on the water at the finish.

  1. Bob Sampson (Bosun)
  2. John Dabbs (Bosun)
  3. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  4. Robin Spiller (Streaker)
  5. Linda Spiller(Laser Full)
  6. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  7. Roger Heasman and Sally Wills (Bosun)

Retired: Graham Joyce (Laser Full)

Grateful thanks were given to John Duncalf, Officer of the Day, and to his timekeeper, Vicki Duncalf.

2nd August 2020 Race Report

Covid-19 Sunday Race 6

Bob Sampson’s was the only Laser with a full size sail; the other three were flying middle-sized Radials, so it was only right that he should be leading at the end of each of the four laps. But it took him most of the first lap to get away from Jane Anderson who finished the race a minute and a half behind him, little enough for the handicap system to give her victory.

The winds started out coming from the west and became more northerly as the day went on. They were not as strong as the force 3, gusting to 4 which had been forecast, with laps of a course which ran all the way up to Far buoy, taking the front runners about fifteen minutes. The fleet got rained on.

If you wanted action the place to look was the mid-field where Linda Spiller’s Radial led Robin Spiller’s Streaker and Adam Hilton’s Solo. It took her until the third lap to make her lead at all secure. The three boats had different strengths and weaknesses, with the Streaker losing out on the beat to West and the Solo being vulnerable reaching back from Far. On the last lap Robin Spiller, with the Laser no longer just in front of him to keep him on course, mixed up his port and starboard buoys and had to retire.

Vicki Duncalf and John Dabbs finished with her seventeen seconds ahead but, with her Topper having a handicap some twenty points less advantageous than that of his Gull, he was always going to head her in the results.


Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1115 55:58 0:50:12
2 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 1075 54:23 0:50:35
3 Harman Ladies Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1115 58:11 0:52:11
4 Harman Gents Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 1:00:43 0:53:04
5 Aegeter Gents John Dabbs GULL 1365 1:13:19 0:53:43
6 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 1:13:02 0:54:45
7 Harman Ladies Penny Abbott LASER RADIAL 1115 1:01:20 0:55:00
8 Harman Gents Robin Spiller STREAKER 1133 DNF
8 Aegeter Gents Colin Witchell Louise Witchell BOSUN 1234 DNF


Personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Bob Sampson LASER 1049 54:23 0:51:51
2 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1115 58:11 0:52:11
3 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1066 55:58 0:52:30
4 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1369 1:13:02 0:53:21
5 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 1:00:43 0:53:27
6 Penny Abbott LASER RADIAL 1143 1:01:20 0:53:40
7 John Dabbs GULL 1364 1:13:19 0:53:45
8 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1154 DNF
8 Colin Witchell BOSUN 1234 DNF


Covid-19 Sunday Race 7

Linda Spiller (Laser Radial) was first over the start line but well to leeward of Jane Anderson (Laser Radial) who was second but led her by the time they reached West buoy.

The wind had dropped a touch – the four laps took the fleet a few minutes longer to complete. Bob Sampson (Laser Full) did his four laps only two and a half minutes more slowly than in the morning, whereas Jane Anderson (Laser Radial) was three minutes slower. It wasn’t enough; Bob’s lead on the water was translated into second place by the handicap. Linda Spiller’s Laser Radial was over a couple of minutes slower which gave Adam Hilton (Solo), who took only a minute longer, third place on handicap. He and Robin Spiller had had another epic battle with places changing several times and a finish only a handful of seconds apart but the Streaker’s eleven point handicap disadvantage put Robin Spiller behind.


Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1115 59:00 0:52:55
2 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 1075 56:54 0:52:56
3 Harman Gents Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 1:01:46 0:54:00
4 Harman Gents Robin Spiller STREAKER 1133 1:01:40 0:54:26
5 Harman Ladies Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1115 1:00:45 0:54:29
6 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 1:13:17 0:54:56
7 Aegeter Gents John Dabbs GULL 1365 1:16:18 0:55:54

Personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1154 1:01:40 0:53:26
2 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1369 1:13:17 0:53:32
3 Bob Sampson LASER 1049 56:54 0:54:15
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 1:01:46 0:54:22
5 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1115 1:00:45 0:54:29
6 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1066 59:00 0:55:21
7 John Dabbs GULL 1364 1:16:18 0:55:56

Grateful thanks were given to John Duncalf who ran the races.

Wednesday 29th July 2020 Race Report

Covid-19 Wednesday Race 3


Colin and Louise Witchell were tootling around in their Bosun, Bob Sampson was giving Mike Owen a reminder lesson in the latter’s Enterprise and Stephanie Clarke was making sure she could still sail her Topper. But two Lasers, a Streaker, an Aero and a Gull were on the water to race. There was more wind than the 8 mph breaths forecast but not all that much more. It came in gusts from the northwest. The sun shone.

Stephanie’s husband Alan Muller pressed the button to start the horn sequence (and took most of the photos) and Bob Sampson (Laser Full) got away well, making towards Home 2, tightening up to get to West and then going for Far. Penny Abbott followed him in another Laser (Full) and Adam Hilton followed her in his Aero 7. Robin Spiller (Streaker) had equipment problems which spoilt his start but soon gave chase. The Gull brought up the rear. At Dam Green the Aero capsized and refused to come up again until assisted by the safety boat. That reduced the field to four.


Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Bob Sampson LASER 1075 41:53 0:38:58 1.0
2 Penny Abbott LASER 1075 43:27 0:40:25 2.0
3 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1133 46:58 0:41:27 3.0
4 John Dabbs GULL 1365 58:17 0:42:42 4.0
5 Adam Hilton RS AERO 7 1065 RET 12.0

Personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Bob Sampson LASER 1049 41:53 0:39:56 1.0
2 Penny Abbott LASER 1073 43:27 0:40:30 2.0
3 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1154 46:58 0:40:42 3.0
4 John Dabbs GULL 1364 58:17 0:42:44 4.0
5 Adam Hilton RS AERO 7 1065 RET 12.0

Thanks very much to Alan for starting the race, and to the Commodore who, onshore after his capsize , took down the finishing times.

26th July 2020 Race Report

Covid-19 Sunday Race 4

A grim weather forecast of grey skies and thirty mile an hour wind gusts probably accounted for the small number of boats taking the start. Bob Sampson was in his full-sailed Laser, Jane Anderson in her Laser 4.7, Adam Hilton in his Solo and Vicki Duncalf in her Topper. John Dabbs thought better of taking out his Bosun single-handed.

Some of the gusts were no doubt coming across the water at thirty miles an hour from the south west as forecast but the most notable thing about the wind was that it couldn’t decide what speed to adopt or direction to come from. It gusted and dropped and veered; there was absolutely no time to wonder what to have with the teacake when one got home; total concentration was needed. On the other hand, on the long reach back from Far, the boats were gloriously up on the plane for, it felt, hours at a time! Actually no time at all; three laps of a course stretching the whole length of the Lake went by in a little over half an hour.

Bob Sampson’s Laser generally led but it was not a day for the big sail, he couldn’t achieve his theoretical speed advantage and the corrected time only put him two seconds in front of the Solo, whose 8.7 square metres of sail was not what you needed on the day either. Jane Anderson’s 4.7 was much better adapted to the circumstances and the Topper did much better when the handicaps were applied, although a moment’s inattention had up-ended Vicki Duncalf just before the end.


Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1190 0:35:01 0:29:26
2 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 0:41:31 0:31:07
3 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 1075 0:34:22 0:31:58
4 Harman Gents Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 0:36:37 0:32:00

Personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1369 0:41:31 0:30:20
2 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1119 0:35:01 0:31:18
3 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 0:36:37 0:32:14
4 Bob Sampson LASER 1049 0:34:22 0:32:46

Covid-19 Sunday Race 5

The wind remained unchanged in its changeability. The little fleet bucketed across to West, zoomed off to Far and then began the straight but highly varied journey to Dam Green. At the beginning, the wind channelled between the hills, it was a beat. Next, in the middle of the Lake, was the time for planing. Finally the reach towards the Dam might still be fast or could take a while depending on whether the wind deigned to send its puff up there or not. Bob Sampson had changed to a 4.7 sail and did much better. He was not without competition from Jane Anderson but he led at the end of each lap. The Solo’s three minute lead over the Topper on the water was reduced to a minute and a half deficit by the handicaps.


Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 4.7 1190 0:33:08 0:27:51
2 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1190 0:33:36 0:28:14
3 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 0:39:44 0:29:47
4 Harman Gents Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 0:36:51 0:32:13


Personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1369 0:39:44 0:29:01
2 Bob Sampson LASER 4.7 1129 0:33:08 0:29:21
3 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1119 0:33:36 0:30:02
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 0:36:51 0:32:26

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

Many thanks to John Duncalf who ran the races and to his assistant John Dabbs.

Wednesday 22nd July Race Report

Covid-19 Wednesday Race 2

Not just sunny but warm with a useful little breeze, a sailing afternoon hard to improve on. But humans are error prone and errors were committed. The Commodore set the course, beating via West to Far, reaching/running back via Inlet, including the instruction to leave Middle to starboard when it should have been to port. This meant, if the fleet was to go round this buoy at all, a 450 degree turn and was largely responsible for a collision between Paul Anderson (Laser Full) and Robin Spiller (Streaker), the first collision, Paul claimed, in his fifty years on the water. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial) started well and soon established a lead in front of Linda Spiller. Behind them Adam Hilton’s Solo was swapping places with the Streaker and the big-sailed Laser. John Dabbs Gull brought up the rear

UTLSC PNs – Midweek Mug

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1115 0:45:16 0:40:36 1.0
2 John Dabbs GULL 1365 1:00:00 0:43:57 2.0
3 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1115 0:49:09 0:44:05 3.0
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 0:50:36 0:44:14 4.0
5 Paul Anderson LASER 1075 RET 9.0

Personal PNs – TeaTime Tankard

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1066 0:45:16 0:42:28 1.0
2 John Dabbs GULL 1364 1:00:00 0:43:59 2.0
3 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1115 0:49:09 0:44:05 3.0
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 0:50:36 0:44:33 4.0
5 Paul Anderson LASER 1075 RET 9.0

Thanks to the Commodore who started the race, sprinted for his boat and collected the finishing times afterwards.

19th July 2020 Race Report


Lovely sun cooled by a fresh little breeze saw seven boats take to the water. The Commodore’s Solo crossed the line first but before John Duncalf’s car horn blew for the start. Jane Anderson (Topper) was the first legal starter with Sue Murray (Laser 4.7) second, Bob Sampson (Laser Full) and Vicki Duncalf (Topper) following. The Commodore, oblivious, continued on the tight beat to Inlet, being overtaken by Bob Sampson on the way. On that first lap the wind was sufficiently easterly for a pointy boat to make the buoy in one tack but as time went on the wind moved towards the north putting that out of the question. Linda Spiller soon overtook the Toppers and set off in pursuit of Sue Murray and the errant Solo. John Dabbs, forced to sail his Bosun alone and therefore flying small sails, brought up the rear. The official order remained the same for the rest of the race but on the water the Commodore lost four places when it was pointed out to him that passing Pinkie to port was a requirement of the course. He had regained two of them by the end of the race.


Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson TOPPER 1334 1:01:25 0:46:02
2 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 1075 0:50:10 0:46:40
3 Harman Ladies Sue Murray LASER 4.7 1190 0:56:22 0:47:22
4 Harman Ladies Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1190 0:57:41 0:48:28
5 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 1:05:06 0:48:48
6 Aegeter Gents John Dabbs BOSUN 1234 1:02:46 0:50:52
7 Harman Gents Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 RET

Personal PNs 

Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PPN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1369 1:05:06 0:47:33
2 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 1049 0:50:10 0:47:49
3 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson TOPPER 1283 1:01:25 0:47:52
4 Harman Ladies Sue Murray LASER 4.7 1167 0:56:22 0:48:18
5 Harman Ladies Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1189 0:57:41 0:48:31
6 Aegeter Gents John Dabbs BOSUN 1289 1:02:46 0:48:42
7 Harman Gents Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 RET


The wind was stronger for the second race. Jane Anderson made an excellent start but it was possibly the faster moving Laser of Linda Spiller that put its bow across the line first. In any case it was she and Bob Sampson who led on the beat. There were as many approaches to getting to Inlet as there were members of the fleet. At one extreme Linda Spiller, going for speed and as few tacks as possible, was almost at West before she went about and made for Inlet. At the other the Toppers hugged the Devon bank by making more tacks. But all the strategy seemed to make remarkably little difference, the order around Inlet was much the same as it was a few moments after the start. Linda Spiller sailed an impressive race; her 4.7 finishing two minutes behind Bob Sampson’s full-sailed Laser (he had wasted a little time having a dry capsize near Far)


Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Ladies Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1190 0:54:07 0:45:29
2 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson TOPPER 1334 1:00:44 0:45:32
3 Harman Ladies Sue Murray LASER 4.7 1190 0:56:04 0:47:07
4 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 1075 0:51:47 0:48:10
5 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 1:04:33 0:48:23


Personal PNs

Rank Cup Ladies & Gents HelmName CrewName Class PPN Elapsed Corrected
1 Harman Ladies Linda Spiller LASER 4.7 1189 0:54:07 0:45:31
2 Harman Ladies Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1369 1:04:33 0:47:09
3 Harman Ladies Jane Anderson TOPPER 1283 1:00:44 0:47:20
4 Harman Ladies Sue Murray LASER 4.7 1167 0:56:04 0:48:03
5 Harman Gents Bob Sampson LASER 1049 0:51:47 0:49:22

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2


Grateful thanks were given to John Duncalf who ran the races, assisted in the second by Robin Spiller.

Wednesday 15th July 2020 Race Report

A grey day that got sunnier, a windy day that got calmer, to the extent that competitors were near becalmed in the lee of the headland at Inlet. Bob Sampson started the horn sequence and sprinted for his Laser Radial. And got himself over the line first. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7) followed with Adam Hilton’s Solo behind her. John Dabbs, small sails on his Bosun, followed somewhat to leeward and Louise and Colin Witchell were also on the water, but not competing. The first buoy was Zebra, included to celebrate its reinstatement (thank you to John Dabbs and Aaron Bunning), the next, West, was still a beat, as was the next leg to Pinky. That was a tricky one because the wind, channelled between the hills, left Bob Murray to leeward of the buoy and having to put in another tack. His lead was sufficient to maintain his first place. Lap 2 left the positions unchanged but on the third lap, at windless Inlet, the Solo picked up the breeze before Sue Murray’s 4.7 and, after another lucky puff, rounded Dam Green before her, crossing the finish line a few heartbeats ahead.

Midweek Mug uses UTLSC class PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Sue Murray LASER 4.7 1190 40:07 0:33:43 1.0
2 Bob Sampson LASER RADIAL 1115 37:42 0:33:49 2.0
3 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 40:00 0:34:58 3.0
4 John Dabbs BOSUN 1234 49:00 0:39:42 4.0

Teatime Tankard uses personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Bob Sampson LASER RADIAL 1115 37:42 0:33:49 1.0
2 Sue Murray LASER 4.7 1161 40:07 0:34:33 2.0
3 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 40:00 0:35:13 3.0
4 John Dabbs BOSUN 1267 49:00 0:38:40 4.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

12th July 2020 Race Report


Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club has been taking to the water for a few weeks but had not run any of its 2020 race programme until this week, the start of lock-down having roughly coincided with the start of the racing season. But now protocols have been established for safe racing – how to keep people sufficiently apart, how to minimise the number of things touched by multiple hands – and a public-spirited volunteer, John Duncalf, offered to run races from his car, using its horn to start the race, taking down the results and calculating the handicaps by hand, just as though no one had invented the computer!

The day was fine, sunny and warm but there were large, glassy, windless patches on the Lake when the sailors arrived. Fortunately by noon there was a little wind to get everyone over the start line. Eight boats took the start; four were Lasers, Bob Sampson and Linda Spiller having full sized sails, Sue Murray and Jane Anderson flying Radials. John Dabbs was there in his little Gull, Robin Spiller in his Streaker, Adam Hilton in his Solo, and Vicki Duncalf in her familiar Topper, horribly underpowered for the conditions. No one was actually becalmed but it was one of those races in which the leader, Bob Sampson in this case, finds his comfortable advantage over the chasing fleet substantially eroded by a puff of wind which brings up his competitors before it reaches him. As a result his lead was not enough to overcome the more advantageous handicaps of some of those behind him, most notably the Gull which was well behind after the two laps (a lap was taking nearly half an hour) of the race.

Rank Fleet Class HelmName CrewName Rating HelmSex Elapsed Corrected
1 Aegeter GULL John Dabbs 1365 M 1:00:20 0:44:12
2 Harman LASER RADIAL Jane Anderson 1115 F 0:51:34 0:46:15
3 Harman SOLO Adam Hilton 1144 M 0:53:35 0:46:50
4 Harman LASER Bob Sampson 1075 M 0:50:25 0:46:54
5 Harman LASER RADIAL Sue Murray 1115 F 0:52:59 0:47:31
6 Harman LASER Linda Spiller 1075 F 0:52:14 0:48:35
7 Harman TOPPER Vicki Duncalf 1334 F 1:05:03 0:48:46
8 Harman STREAKER Robin Spiller 1133 M 0:58:10 0:51:20

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

A second race was held in slightly stronger winds – there was time for three laps within the prescribed hour’s racing. The Lasers were again the quickest, although there were several changes of lead before Bob Sampson once more established himself at the front. The Solo’s big sail enabled it to keep within reach of the leading bunch but the rest were again some way back. A problem with the timekeeping prevented formal results being issued.

Grateful thanks were given to John Duncalf who made the racing possible.

All races until 19 Sep will be used to calculate series winners. See Sailing Programme – Covid-19 2020.