21st April 2024 Race Report

Pursuit 1

The winds whilst getting the various boats rigged were light, but by the time we were ready to race they had increased to a fairly brisk breeze with gusty puffs in between, making conditions somewhat challenging.  6 boats set off on a preset timed course called the ‘Pursuit Series’; the slower boats going off first followed by gradually faster boats in their handicap order.  Vicky Duncalf and Jane Anderson in their Toppers were off at the start, followed a few minutes later by Linda Spiller in her Laser Radial, Robin Spiller and Dave Perrett in their Solo’s, and Nathan Pollard bringing up the rear in his much faster Laser Full Rig.  His time penalty was quite high when you think that Jane was leading the race and rounding the most distant of the marks as Nathan was starting his race! He then managed to overtake Linda at the end of the first lap.  As the race progressed, the wind backed round towards the north, causing Robin to put his boat aground on the way up to Far mark.  Jane was managing to fend Nathan off, but Vicki was eventually overtaken by him in the 52nd minute, giving him 2nd place. One or two more competitors managed to improve their positions, and with the course lasting for 68 minutes precisely, the results were:

  1. Jane Anderson
  2. Nathan Pollard
  3. Linda Spiller
  4. Dave Perrett
  5. Vicki Duncalf
    Robin Spiller retired

Commodore’s Cup 1

Nathan was first to cross the start line on an altered course from the morning race.  The winds having increased further, and it was going to be a quite challenging race for some.  All competitors managed to finish the 3 laps of the course and were rather relieved to come ashore for tea after a rather difficult afternoon so early in the season.

  1. Nathan Pollard
  2. Jane Anderson
  3. Dave Perrett
  4. Vicki Duncalf
  5. John Dabbs and his trusty crew of 2! (Bosun)
  6. Louise Witchell with crew Bob Sampson (Bosun)

Thanks to Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert for OOD duties, Jane Anderson for writing the race report and Mandy Pollard for taking the photos.

14th April 2024 Race Report

Cup 1

Jane Anderson, sailing her Topper for the first race of the season, got off to a flier but on the long beat up to the top of the Lake Adam Hilton’s Solo overtook and by the time she reached the buoy Dave Perrett’s Solo was close to her stern and overtook on the leg back to West. The sun was always present and providing some warmth even if clouds often obscured it. The winds were north-westerly and reliable except at times at the Dam in the lee of the hill where they became distinctly flukey. Laps were taking fifteen minutes and so Paul Anderson, the Officer of the Day, shortened the course from four laps to three.

1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
3. Dave Perrett (Solo)

Sailboat 1

The little fleet was joined by Nathan Pollard’s Laser, by Linda Spiller’s Laser 4.7 and by new-comer Liam Routley helming a Club-owned Bosun with Bob Sampson as mentor and crew. Linda Spiller crossed the line a nose ahead of a close–packed fleet but the little sail on her Laser didn’t give her the speed to stay there. Nathan Pollard’s Laser, Adam Hilton’s and Dave Perrett’s Solos went by in that order and well before they reached the top of the Lake. The Bosun stayed ahead of Jane Anderson’s Topper until the end of lap 1 when she overtook only for the position to be reversed a time or two. The winds were stronger; there was time for four laps and the decision whether or not to gibe at West became distinctly tricky.

1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
2. Jane Anderson (Topper)
3. Adam Hilton (Solo)
4. Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7)
5. Dave Perrett (Solo)
6. Liam Routley and Bob Sampson (Bosun)

Many thanks were given to Paul Anderson who ran the race and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.

28th April 2024 Race Report

Tamar 2

Nathan Pollard, with the big sail on his Laser, led from the start line towards Inlet on a tight port tack. Adam Hilton (Solo) tried going over the line on starboard and when he tacked emerged in front of Jane Anderson (Topper). The generally brisk north-west wind was blanketed by the headland beyond Inlet, making the last few meters before the buoy slow and uncertain. Nathan Pollard maintained his lead across to Middle but lost some water on the next beat, to Pinkie. From there it was a run to West and across to Zebra with gibes at both buoys. Nathan Pollard’s lead was never threatened but Jane Anderson remained ahead of the Pollard/Routley Bosun only as far as Pinkie. She was behind it rounding Zebra only to re-pass and finish the race in third place. The handicap gave the little Topper the victory.

1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
3. Adam Hilton (Solo)
4. Brian Pollard and Liam Routley (Bosun)

Barnwell 3

Nathan Pollard was again first to start and led throughout the race. The Pollard/ Routley Bosun was second and Jane Anderson third. The winds had freshened and moved further west and laps were quicker at around 11 minutes. Linda Spiller, the Officer of the Day, had made slight changes to the course to cut out the gibe at Dam Green. Brian Pollard had not grasped all the changes, went the wrong side of Home1 and in retrieving his mistake lost his place to Jane Anderson and was unable to regain it.

1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
3. Brian Pollard and Liam Routley (Bosun)

Many thanks were given to Linda and Robin Spiller who ran the race and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.

22nd October 2023 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

by Mandy Pollard

Frostbite 4

John Dabbs and Linda Spiller in the Bosun set off first on the beat from the Home 2 start line towards the West White buoy and made the buoy without the need to tack. But by then the faster Lasers of Bob Sampson and, at the buoy, Nathan Pollard had got ahead and were running up the Lake to Pinkie in winds that were moderate in strength and, by Tamar Lake standards, stable in direction. That is not to say that helms could rely on being able to beat from Home 2 to West White in one tack; on some laps the wind permitted it; on others it had shifted a few points and two tacks were required.

The front two Lasers lapped with a very stable distance between them until the last lap when, on the run from Dam Green to the finish line, someone put a rocket behind Nathan Pollard’s boat and he sailed smoothly past Bob Sampson’s to take the victory on the water.

Boats continued to pass the Dabbs/Spiller Bosun. Sue Murray’s Laser 4.7 was up to third by the end of the first lap and would have stayed there had not a jammed sheet permitted Dave Perrett’s slow-starting  but recovering Solo to overtake her. The handicaps didn’t take any notice; they gave Sue Murray first place.

  1. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
  2. John Dabbs and Linda Spiller (Bosun)
  3. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  4. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  5. Brian Pollard and Alara Wedgwood (Bosun)
  6. Bob Sampson (Laser)
  7. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)

Icicle 4

There were now two Solo dinghies in the fleet which seemed to galvanise Dave Perrett into action because he crossed the line first, kept the lead across to West White and remained ahead of the second Laser, the slow-starting Bob Sampson, until well into the race. Nathan Pollard led and, this time crossing the finish line five minutes before the first boat with a better handicap (Adam Hilton’s Solo), was allowed by statistics to keep his victory. Dave Perrett had been the lead Solo throughout the race until a little confusion about which buoy to round and an unhelpful puff of wind lost him the place. Vicki Duncalf, finishing as in the first race about ten minutes after the Lasers but just in front of the Pollard/Wedgwood Bosun, was this time promoted to second place.

  1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  2. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  3. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
  4. John Dabbs and Linda Spiller (Bosun)
  5. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
  6. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  7. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  8. Brian Pollard and Alara Wedgwood (Bosun)


Many thanks to Geoff Floyd who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.

15th October 2023 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

by Mandy Pollard


Frostbite 3

Nathan Pollard’s full-sailed Laser had no rival for speed in this Sunday morning’s fleet but he cemented his advantage by crossing the (Home 2) startline first and reaching the southernmost buoy, Dam Green, before anyone else. He ended the race some three and a half minutes ahead of second placed Linda Spiller who was trying to compete with a Laser Radial sail was somewhat more than a square metre smaller. The sun was hazy, the winds were light and coming over the Dam from the southeast and it was cold for the first time this autumn. There were three Solo dinghies in the race and competing with them was the similar-sized but lighter Streaker of Robin Spiller. The beginning of his race was spoilt by having to tack to get the right side of Home 1. Geoff Floyd got his Solo into third place by overtaking the fast starting Bosun of Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert on his way to the Dam. The second Solo, Dave Perrett’s, needed to get clear of the Streaker before starting a battle for third place which carried on for a lap and a half. The third Solo, Adam Hilton’s, suffered a comedy of errors before the race started, its skipper being unable to stop himself being blown onto the lee shore, and shortly after it started, when the main sheet jammed. The boat began last and only began picking up places on the second lap. The Solos didn’t get enough lead over Brian Pollard’s Bosun and the handicap gave him third place behind the flying Lasers.

  1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  2. Linda Spiller (Laser)
  3. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  5. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  6. Geoff Floyd (Solo))
  7. Robin Spiller (Streaker)


Icicle 3

Nathan Pollard again started first but Linda Spiller tried port tack and didn’t benefit from it, having to work her way past the Pollard Bosun and Perrett Solo before holding second position at the beginning of lap 2. The place wasn’t immune to Solo attack however. Dave Perrett had a spell ahead and Adam Hilton got past until, tacking along the finish line instead of crossing it, he allowed the Spiller Laser second place on the water. The situation was reversed by the handicaps.

  1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  3. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  4. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  5. Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)
  6. Geoff Floyd (Solo)


Many thanks to John Dabbs who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.

8th October 2023 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

by Mandy Pollard

Frostbite 2

Nathan Pollard led off a bunch of four full-sailed Lasers on a glorious pretending-to-be-summer Sunday with very light southerly winds. Jane Anderson was second until, on the second lap, the Pollard Laser needed an extra tack to reach the Dam and she took over the lead, a minute ahead at the finish. Linda Spiller was third until Bob Sampson took over her place on lap 2. Chasing the Lasers and briefly getting in amongst them was Adam Hilton’s Solo, an effort rewarded when the handicaps were applied. The two Bosuns in the race were led by Brian Pollard’s with Cilla Gilbert as crew. They were aiming for sixth and seventh until Dave Perrett’s slow-starting Solo overtook the Bosun pair on the way up the Lake on lap 1.

  1. Jane Anderson (Laser Full)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  4. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
  5. Linda Spiller (Laser Full)
  6. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  7. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  8. John Dabbs and Paul Anderson (Bosun)


Icicle 2

The winds had dropped and progress around the Lake was considerably more reliable on a paddle board than a sailing boat. Not everyone had an appetite for drifting and the fleet was reduced to six boats. Dave Perrett reversed his performance in the earlier race and got his Solo away first, followed by Nathan Pollard’s Laser. The Lasers soon took over; Jane Anderson taking the lead on the second slow and final lap – the race finished after fifty minutes; the morning’s race had managed three laps in little more time. Bob Sampson’s Laser was third throughout but Adam Hilton’s Solo, last over the start line, managed to get up to fourth on the first lap and to stay there. Brian Pollard found progress in the heavier Bosun too slow and retired.

  1. Jane Anderson (Laser Full)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
  4. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  5. Dave Perrett (Solo)

Retired Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)


Many thanks to Robin Spiller who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photographs.

1st October 2023 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Mandy Pollard

Frostbite 1

The water near the pontoon was glassy; no wind at water level to produce the slightest ripple. Fortunately at masthead level there was a little movement in the air and the fleet was able, slowly, to reach the start line and then the wind freshened as the day went on, although it never looked like reaching the forecast force 4, gusting 5.

Vicki Duncalf’s Topper, Sue Murray’s Laser Radial and Adam Hilton’s Solo crossed the line as a leading bunch but coming up from the rear at speed was Nathan Pollard’s Laser which had taken the lead well before the first buoy and as the others rounded Dam Green he was away and building a lead that reached three and a half minutes after four laps.

On the first leg the Solo began in second but to leeward of the others and at the buoy Vicki Duncalf, Sue Murray and Brian Pollard’s Bosun (Cilla Gilbert crewing) all rounded in front. In that first lap an order was established. Sue Murray was nearest to Nathan Pollard in second, threatened from time to time by the Solo. Brian Pollard led the Toppers of Jane Anderson (recovered from a slow start) and Vicki Duncalf. The handicaps tossed that order up in the air, only the Pollard Bosun retaining the place it had had on the water.

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  4. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)
  5. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  6. Sue Murray (Laser Radial)


Icicle 1

The fleet was reduced to four boats; it was nearly three; Sue Murray spent a while beached on the Devon shore sorting a rigging problem. At the restart Brian Pollard, his Bosun now crewed by visitor Alara Vural Wedgwood, started first but Nathan Pollard was again fast enough to round the first buoy, Dam Green, in the lead, a lead he never lost. Sue Murray got past the Topper and the Bosun and was a couple of minutes behind after two laps; the race being shortened as the afternoon advanced and the always present mist thickened. The handicaps again rewarded the Topper and left Brian Pollard in the third place he had had on the water.

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. Brian Pollard and Alara Vural Wedgewood (Bosun)
  4. Sue Murray (Laser Radial)

Many thanks to Dave Perrett who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who managed to get her camera to pierce the mist.

Wednesday 13th September 2023 Race Report

by Louise Witchell

Louise Witchell

Teacake 5

Due to light winds from the south east and a fishing competition, a simple triangular course was set.  Two bosuns and two solos taking part – John Dabbs bosun with Leila Farmer crewing and Rick Thurlow taking out the club bosun with Penny Abbott crewing.  Geoff Floyd and Graham Joyce helming solos.

John/Leila were first across the start, followed by Geoff, Rick/Penny, then Graham.  Geoff, finding wind, was first to middle buoy before lack of wind made for a frustrating race, but lovely reflections!  The order remained unchanged with Geoff crossing the finish of the shortened course, just as the winds picked up.

What little wind there was changed direction which meant there was a beat on a different leg each lap!

After handicaps were applied, first place was handed to John and Leila.

  1. John Dabbs and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
  2. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  3. Rick Thurlow and Penny Abbott (Bosun)
  4. Graham Joyce (Solo)


Summer Fruits 4

By the second race the winds had moved through 180° to north west, reversing the course.  Ian Chatterton, with Katy Chatterton crewing his enterprise, joined for this race.

Ian/Katy were first over the start line, followed by Geoff, Rick/Penny, Leila now helming John’s bosun and Graham.  Several tacks were required to reach west white buoy and made a much more competitive race.

A penalty for Leila/John allowed Geoff to overtake at west white and Rick/Penny to close the gap.  On the last lap, Geoff pulled ahead of Ian/Katy after dam green, only for Ian steal the lead by one second at the finish.

After handicaps were applied, the bosuns prevailed with Leila/John taking first place.

  1. Leila Farmer and John Dabbs (Bosun)
  2. Rick Thurlow and Penny Abbott (Bosun)
  3. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  4. Ian Chatterton and Katy Chatterton (Enterprise)

Retired Graham Joyce ( Solo)

Many thanks to Louise & Colin Witchell for OODing the races and taking the photos.

10th September 2023 Race Report

by Jane Anderson

Mandy Pollard

Commodore 6

In a gentle breeze from the southeast, Dave Perrett was first across the line in his Solo; Jane Anderson (Laser |Full) close behind, and with Paul Anderson (Laser Full) and Mark (a sailing guest in a Laser 2) racing neck and neck together all the way round most of Lap 1.  Jane overtook Dave as the fleet moved up the lake, and then led to Middle Buoy, with Dave close behind.  As the next few laps progressed Jane pulled away from the fleet who were fighting their own small battles between each of the marks of the course.  Guest Mark sat in 3rd place with Paul in close company.  Behind them were Robin Spiller (Streaker), John Dabbs (Bosun), Rick and then Brian in Bosuns.  Mark remained ahead of Paul for the first lap and then Paul overtook him and so it remained for the rest of their racing together.  Meanwhile, Robin Spiller (Streaker) remained stubbornly in 5th place; Rick and Penny in their Bosun intertwined 6th and 7th positions, and Brian and Cilla remained steadfastly bringing up the rear, when usually they’re up fighting with the rest.  Jane eventually romped off and manage to lap the back end of the fleet to take first place.


Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Jane Anderson LASER 1101 0:42:45 0:38:50
RET Dave Perrett SOLO 1142 0:46:27 0:40:40
2 Paul Anderson LASER 1101 0:47:09 0:42:49
RET Mark Rowan LASER 2 1085 0:47:23 0:43:40
RET Robin Spiller STREAKER 1128 0:49:31 0:43:54
3 John Dabbs Linda Spiller BOSUN 1198 0:53:46 0:44:53
4 Rick Thurlow Penny Abbott BOSUN 1198 0:54:06 0:45:10
5 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1198 0:57:57 0:48:22

Dave and Rob went the wrong side of the final mark so retired

Spalding Cup 6

At the teatime break between races, the wind died to nothing and as a consequence 8 boats drifted away from the start line and it took well over half an hour to make just one very slow lap of the course.  As a consequence, the Race Officer finished the Race at the end of lap 1 with the following results:


Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Jane Anderson LASER 4.7 1186 0:25:20 0:21:22 1.0
2 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1111 0:25:41 0:23:07 2.0
3 John Dabbs  Leila Farmer BOSUN 1228 0:29:24 0:23:56 3.0
4 Dave Perrett SOLO 1143 0:28:10 0:24:39 4.0
5 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1135 0:28:51 0:25:25 5.0
RET Rowan Mark LASER 2 1085 0:28:39 0:26:24 6.0
6 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1228 0:33:05 0:26:56 7.0
7 Paul Anderson LASER RADIAL 1111 0:30:23 0:27:21 8.0
RET Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1335 RET 12.0
RET Penny Abbott Rick Thurlow BOSUN 1228 RET 12.0
Guests Mark & Rowan completed the races but were retired as they were guests and not competing in the Series.
Thanks to Graham Joyce for OOD duties, and to Mandy Pollard for her photo that speaks volumes!!

Wednesday 6th September 2023 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Geoff Floyd

Teacake 4

It was hot and what winds there were came over the Devon shore from points between southeast and northeast. Basically it was a race for Bosuns and Solos, if one can include Rob Spiller’s Streaker as an honorary Solo; there were three of each.

The Solo of Adam Hilton got away first, was first around Dam Green but threw it all away by very nearly forgetting to leave Home 1 to port. Roger Heasman’s Bosun, Nessy crewing, Robin Spiller’s Streaker and Dave Perrett’s Solo all got past. The single-handers took control; Dave Perrett leading at the end of the first lap with Robin Spiller second.  The Hilton Solo overtook Robin Spiller on the second lap and Dave Perrett’s Solo on the third, helped by an evil Lake spirit which did not allow Dave to beat between West White and Home 2 with any dispatch. The course went no further north than the middle of the Lake and so laps were short; even so, three laps took the winner forty minutes. Also unusual was that the handicap system thought the results on the water were the right ones. And so the three single-handers beat the three double-handers.

  1. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  2. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  3. Robin Spiller (Streaker)
  4. Roger Heasman and Nessy (Bosun)
  5. John Dabbs and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
  6. Rick Thurlow and Penny Abbott (Bosun)


Summer Fruits 3

The sailing programme envisaged no second race but management conjured up this Summer Fruits race, competing for the rosewood bowl that Roger Heasman presented. Dave Perret was first away this time followed by Penny Abbott, now helming the Club Bosun with Rick Thurlow as crew. Adam Hilton was next, the Solo pointing high and already making up ground; he led at the end of the first lap and from then on. Dave Perrett lost his lead, he was down to fourth at the end of Lap 1, and was having his usual trouble getting from West White to Home 2 at a reasonable speed. John Dabbs got his Bosun past Penny’s on the second lap and finished in third place, only a minute and a half behind the leader. The handicap gave him victory.

  1. John Dabbs and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
  2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  3. Penny Abbott and Rick Thurlow (Bosun)
  4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  5. Louise and Colin Witchell (Bosun)
  6. Nessy and Roger Heasman (Bosun)

Many thanks to Geoff Floyd who ran the races and took the photos.