14th July 2024 Race Report

Tamar 1

Jane Anderson (Laser Radial) crossed the start line first followed by Dave Perrett (Solo) on a day of
very light westerlies. Linda Spiller (Laser Full) had been a little too eager and had to duck back; Adam
Hilton (Solo) had got into irons and started last except for Brian Pollard’s Bosun (John Weller
crewing) which was unsuited to such light winds. The run back from Pinkie favoured big sails all day
and Linda Spiller overtook Jane Anderson only to re-lose the place at Dam Green. On the second
(last) lap the Solos, first Dave Perrett’s, then Adam Hilton’s, increasingly threatened the Lasers with
Adam Hilton eventually crossing the finish line first. The handicaps restored Jane Anderson’s lead.

  1. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
  2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  3. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  4. Robin Spiller (Solo)
  5. Paul Anderson (Laser Radial)
  6. Linda Spiller (Laser Full)
    Retired: Brian Pollard and John Weller(Bosun)

Barnwell 5

Nathan Pollard (Laser Full) joined the fleet, started third but soon led, although temporarily
overtaken by Dave Perrett’s Solo at West. Jane Anderson and Adam Hilton were caught in a familiar
struggle, the Solo eventually crossing the line nine seconds in front of the Laser. The wind finally
disappeared leaving the back markers to get home as best they could.

  1. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
  2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  3. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
    Retired: Brian Pollard and John Weller (Bosun), Paul Anderson

Thanks were given to race officer Vicki Duncalf and to photographer Mandy Pollard

3rd July 2024 Race Report

Roger’s Bowl 1

The combination of the low water level and fishermen sitting in the lake off the Inlet buoy precluded the use of the Inlet race buoy.   With a gusty and fickle west wind in a dull drizzle, the race course was limited to Dam Green to Pinky with a diversion round Middle to West.

Dave, with a reduced sail, was first over the start line followed by Bob who managed to overtake him on the first lap before Dam Green.  A battle between Dave and John (with Linda as his crew) then ensued for the best part of the following 2 laps, with John eventually taking the lead from Dave.  Nessy (with Roger as her crew) bravely followed in very challenging conditions for her first outing as helm in a race.  This race sequence of Bob, John, Dave and Nessy continued unchanged for the rest of this 4-lap race.  It was an indicator of the race conditions that all boats completed the course, sailing each of the laps in under 13 minutes.

  1. John Dabbs and Linda Spiller (Bosun)
  2. Bob Sampson (Laser Radial)
  3. Dave Perritt (Solo)
  4. Nessy Johns and Roger Heasman (Bosun)

Thanks were given to race to Geoff Floyd who ran the race.

7th July 2024 Race Report

A damp start to the day for racing at Tamar with a light WNW breeze but drying later.

Pursuit 4

Start time handicaps in minutes:

Vicki Duncalf (Topper) 0
Brian Pollard & Natasha Routley crew (Bosun) +6
Liam Routley (Laser) +14
Nathan (Laser) +19

Vicki managed the best start and this stood her in good stead for the rest of the race lapping both Nathan & Liam before they’d even started. Nathan overtook Liam halfway through their 1st Lap. Liam got into a spot of bother by Dam Green Buoy but quickly recovered to continue. By mid-race Nathan managed to unlap himself by passing Vicki but never managed to catch her up again and she finished 1st ahead of Nathan with both Brian & Natasha and Liam retiring.

1. Vicki Duncalf
2. Nathan Pollard

Retired – Brian Pollard & Natasha, Liam.

Barnwell 6

At the start it was the following order:

Jane Anderson (Topper)
Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
Brian Pollard & crew Natasha Routley (Bosun)
Nathan Pollard (Laser)
John Dabbs & Linda Spiller crew (Bosun)
Robin Spiller (Solo)

It was Nathan though who quickly worked his way up to 1st by the Home 2 mark with Jane a close 2nd. By Pinky Nathan had extended his dominance and John Dabbs and Linda had picked off Vicki Duncalf. There then developed an exciting battle for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th places as Jane tried her hardest to fend off the Bosuns with them equally keen to overtake. For the first two laps Jane and Brian & Natasha swapped places on a few occasions with John Dabbs and Linda Spiller close on hand in case of any mistakes by the two in front. Finally though, the Bosuns won through early on lap 3 and with John Dabbs and Linda Spiller overtaking Brian & Natasha approaching inlet. The tone was then set for the final positions across the line with the gaps between boats slowly increasing. Nathan, John & Linda, Brian & Natasha, Jane, then Vicki with Robin retiring with gear failure.

1. Jane Anderson
2. Nathan Pollard
3. John Dabbs & Linda Spiller
4. Brian Pollard & Natasha Routley
5. Vicki Duncalf

Retired – Robin Spiller.

Thanks to Race Officers (Paul Anderson & Ricky Thurlow) and Mandy Pollard for the photographs.

30th June 2024 Race Report

Tamar 6

In surprisingly cold and gusty winds (considering the local weather forecast), 5 boats set of for the morning race heading northwards for Home 2 buoy.  Dave Perrett (Solo) was first over the line at the start gun followed by Roger Heasman and Liam Routley  (Bosun).  However, it was Nathan Pollard (Laser) who was first to the buoy, then Dave (Solo), Jane Anderson (Topper), Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun), and Roger with Liam then brought up the rear.  Brian and Natasha managed to overtake Jane just before the final buoy of the lap at Dam.  But it was Nathan who shot ahead on the 2nd lap in some challenging gusts.  Jane then managed to overtake Brian and Natasha again by H2 buoy and fended him off for the rest of the race.  Dave was chasing Nathan and also pulling away from the fleet ahead of Jane and that was how the positions stayed until the end of what was a gusty and sometimes uncomfortable morning!!

Results:  After the Portsmouth Handicaps were applied to the different classes of boats (depending on size, speed through the water, etc) the results were as follows:-

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. Brian Pollard with crew Natasha Routley (Bosun)
  4. David Perrett (Solo)
  5. Roger Heasman with crew Liam Routley (Bosun)

Sailboat 5

We were all hoping that the moderating winds over the lunch period would remain for the afternoon race, but no such luck!  Nathan, Dave, Brian and Natasha, Jane, and new Junior Member Liam (now helming the Heasman Bosun) all started in that order with Brian and Natasha (Bosun) and John Dabbs and Linda Spillar (Bosun) bringing up the rear . In the somewhat feisty conditions John with Crew Linda Spiller touched a mark and had to do a penalty turn.  As the race progressed, overcrowding by 3 boats whilst rounding Dam Mark produced a momentary windless patch which Jane promptly fell into.  This then put John Dabbs and Linda into an awkward rounding position, but all eventually sorted themselves out with Liam and Roger coming out on top!  As then race progressed in an orderly fashion until the finish.

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. David Perrett (Solo)
  4. Brian Pollard and Tasha (Bosun)
  5. John Dabbs and Linda Spiller (Bosun)

Sadly, Liam (with Roger as crew) had to retire when he missed a mark of the course, which was a shame, but he managed the Bosun very comfortably – well done!!.

Thanks to Bob Sampson for Race Officer Duties, Mandy Pollard for the photo, and Jane for writing this report.

26th June 2024 Race Report

Midweek Tankard 13

It was sunny and hot and the southwest to northwest winds were gentle but, by the Lake’s standards, reliable. These conditions brought out all four of the Club’s Solo sailors, three of the Bosun helms and Linda Spiller in her Laser Radial. Paul floated his GP14 for the first time but did not sign on for the race.

Various starts were compromised, the Solos of Dave Perrett and Adam Hilton getting tangled up and Linda Spiller trying to draw the safety boat’s attention to the GP14’s dangerous closeness to the Dam. John Dabbs with Leila Farmer in the Bosun got away first followed by the Solos of Adam Hilton and Robin Spiller. The course required helms to go from Zebra to West, to Pinkie, Middle, Inlet, then to leave Home 1 to starboard, which caught out Dave Perrett and Robin Spiller, before rounding Dam Green and re-crossing the start line. The Dabbs/Farmer Bosun held onto the lead until the run from Inlet to Dam Green during which the lead Solo gradually pulled past. On lap 2 Dave Perrett, all unaware of his disqualification, took over the lead, Linda Spiller followed, then the lead Bosun, Robin Spiller and Geoff Floyd’s Solos and finally the other two Bosuns. On the last lap the two ‘lead’ Solos and Linda Spiller’s Radial were very close together; the renegade Perrett boat crossing two seconds ahead of Linda who was followed a second later by Adam.

  1. Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)
  2. John Dabbs and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
  3. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  4. Roger Heasman and Anna Walker (Bosun)
  5. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  6. Louise and Colin Witchel (Bosun)

Disqualified: Dave Perrett (Solo), Robin Spiller (Solo)

Thanks were given to race to Sue Murray who ran the race.

23rd June 2024 Race Report

Sailboat 4

Jane Anderson’s Laser Radial was the first of a leading bunch that comprised Nathan Pollard’s Laser Full and the Solos of Dave Perrett and Adam Hilton. In the lightest of winds the fleet crept towards Home 2 with Nathan Pollard just managing to pass Jane Anderson before they set off for West only to lose the place before they rounded the buoy. It wasn’t until the return leg from Pinkie that he was able to establish the lead. Meanwhile Adam Hilton’s was the lead Solo while Dave Perrett’s had succumbed to the advancing Bob Sampson and Brian Pollard who had both started from the rear. The course was shortened to two laps. Becalmed before Dam Green, Adam Hilton dropped from third to fifth. At the finish Bob Sampson was 17 seconds ahead of the Anderson Radial, not nearly enough to stop the handicap giving Jane the victory. Not even Nathan Pollard’s minute and a half lead was enough.

  1. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
  4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  5. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  6. Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun)
  7. Roger Heasman and Liam Routley (Bosun)

Pursuit 3

The winds still light and fickle, it was decided to shorten the race to half its usual length. The Pollard/Routley Bosun started first, with Adam Hilton’s Solo following after three minutes and Jane Anderson’s Radial after four. The Solo went past the Bosun at the top of the course with Bob Sampsons’ soon becoming the leading Laser. The Solo still led at the end of the lap and was just holding on at West when the race finished.

  1. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  2. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
  3. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  4. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
  5. Brian Pollard and Liam Routley (Bosun)

Thanks were given to race officers John Dabbs and Graham Joyce and to photographer Mandy Pollard

12th June 2024 Race Report

Midweek Tankard 11

In a gentle, occasional moderate and variable NW wind, ten boats were launched comprising 3 Bosuns, 4 Solos, an Enterprise, a Laser with a 4.7 rig and another Laser with a Radial rig. The fishing competition which, with the still-absent Home 1 buoy and similar wind direction had so restricted the previous Sunday’s race plan, were all still in progress. Accordingly, the Race Officer set the same race course but this time over 5 laps.

Sue was first over the Home 2 start line, followed closely by Linda, Dave and Adam, in the first leg race to West. Sue rounded it first, with Adam, Geoff and Dave in hot pursuit. Sue led the flotilla as they all gybed around Dam Green, where Dave overtook Adam with Geoff close behind sporting his new sail, with Linda in close contention.

A drop in the wind strength at the start of the second lap resulted in several place changes between these five front runners. As the wind returned, Sue re-took the lead approaching Dam Green again. Behind them there was a race-long tussle going on between Ian’s Enterprise and John’s Bosun. Taking up the rear was a friendly contest between the Bosuns of Colin and Nessy as they rounded Dam Green.

At the end of the final lap, Dave squeezed past Linda to take line honours, with Sue and Adam not far behind. When the respective boats’ handicaps were taken into consideration, Sue came out on top, followed by Linda then Dave.

  1. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
  2. Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)
  3. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  4. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  5. John Dabbs/Leila Farmer (Bosun)
  6. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  7. Ian Chatterton/Andy (Enterprise)
  8. Colin Witchell/Louise Witchell (Bosun)
  9. Nessy Johns/Roger Heasman (Bosun)

Retired: Robin Spiller (Solo)

Thanks go to Bob for his work as our OOD.

5th June 2024 Race Report

Midweek Tankard 10

It was great to see the return of both John Buckett and Toby to our race fleet today. As a result, four Bosuns launched with initial trepidation into the now familiar Force 3-4 NW wind, joined by Sue in her Laser 4.7 and Dave in his Solo, sporting his older sail. John B’s Bosun (John helming, with Toby as crew), Roger’s Bosun (Nessy helming – her first race as helm, with Roger as crew) and John D’s Bosun with John helming and Adam as crew) all decided after some mutual discussion to go for full size sails. Louise’s Bosun (Louise helming, Colin as crew) decided to play safer and hoist their set of small sails.

Sue was first across the start line, closely followed by Ian then John D. John D managed to overtake Ian’s Enterprise (Ian helming, Linda as crew) on the first beat to Inlet, but had to defer to Ian at the buoy as Ian had acquired an inside overlap. The result was that Ian emerged in front of John D’s Bosun after rounded the buoy and led these two boats’ race to West, following Sue in her Laser 4.7. These all retained their positions until the end of the 4-lap race.

Sadly, Louise’s Bosun suffered from a torn sail and was forced to retire on only their first lap. Dave hung on doggedly to his 4th place, while the two Bosuns of John B and Nessy were having their own contest at the back of the fleet, becoming just a bit too friendly at one point resulting in a penalty 720 deg for one of them. Congratulations to Nessy for completing her first race as helm in rather robust weather conditions.

  1. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
  2. John Dabbs/Adam Hilton (Bosun)
  3. Ian Chatterton/Linda Spiller (Enterprise)
  4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  5. John Buckett/Toby Tobias (Bosun)
  6. Nessy Johns (Bosun)

Retired: Louise/Colin Witchell (Bosun)

Thanks go to Robin for his work as our OOD.

8th May 2024 Race Report

Midweek Tankard – Spare

Sue kindly stood in as OOD, and set a short course to suit the gentle southerly breeze. The five crews were just beginning to launch their boats when it became apparent that the wind had started to fill in from the west. It was too late to change the race course, so the start commenced on a very broad reach.

John was first across the line, closely followed by Ian (sailing single-handed in his Enterprise), and they held these positions as they rounded Dam Green. It was then a pleasant beat to Home 2 buoy, where Bob took the lead, the only helm to manage this with a single tack. This race section significantly spread out the field.

Sue had set the race course to test the sail, trim and balance of the helms and this was certainly achieved in the gentle and constantly-varying wind speed and direction.

On the second lap, John found a lucky breeze and started catch up some ground on the leading boats, whilst Louise was struggling to find a favourable wind speed and direction.

With the wind dropping down to a very gentle breeze, Sue shortened the race to just three laps.

  1. Dave Perrett
  2. Bob Sampson
  3. John Dabbs with Leila Farmer as crew
  4. Ian Chatterton
  5. Louise Witchell with Colin Witchell as crew

Thanks go to Sue Murray as OOD

19th June 2024 Race Report

Midweek Tankard 12

It was a nice sunny day with very light winds which came from many directions but generally from somewhere between east and north. It looked like a start from the near side towards Dam Green would be something like a beat. It wasn’t. It was a run and few skippers were able to control the speed of their boats to arrive at the start at the correct time. Some turned back, some were too early. However the start was allowed to stand and Sue Murray rounded Dam Green first.

The race split into a lead group with Bob Sampson’s Laser Full in the lead Sue’s Radial in second, Linda Spiller’s Radial in third and Dave Perrett’s Solo in fourth. This stayed the same until Dave overtook Linda on the fourth lap after more than an hour’s racing.

A second group consisted of Roger Heasman’s Bosun with the remaining three Solos. The Bosun began at the front with Adam Hilton at the back but, after many low speed thrills, by the third lap this had been reversed. Then Adam got bored and retired leaving Robin Spiller leading Geoff Floyd and Roger’s Bosun. The handicaps gave Roger back the lead of the group.

  1. Sue Murray (Laser Radial)
  2. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
  3. Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)
  4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  5. Roger Heasman and Dave (Bosun)
  6. Robin Spiller (Solo)
  7. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  8. Louise and Colin Witchell (Bosun))

Retired: Adam Hilton (Solo)

Thanks were given to race officer Leila Farmer.