21st August 2024 Race Report

Roger’s Bowl 7

The clouds galloped across the sky from the south-west but when the race started, at water
level at least, the winds came from the north-west, except for the gusts which came from
any direction they felt like. Five boats signed on for the race. Roger Heasman and Rick Thurlow were out in the Bosun. Liam Routley was in his pretty green Laser. Three Solos with small sails took to the water but
Adam Hilton had one taste of crossing the centre of the Lake and scuttled straight back to
the slipway. Dave Perrett (Solo) crossed the line first but before the horn. He went back and started last.
Liam Routley started well and led the field followed by the Heasman/Thurlow Bosun and
Geoff Floyd’s Solo. The Bosun had some sort of problem leaving Inlet and let the Solos past.
At Dam Green Dave Perrett was close behind the leading Laser which completed the lap in
sixteen minutes. Each lap Liam seemed to have trouble getting his Laser to make the
passage between Inlet and Middle and on lap 2 Dave was able to get past, a lead he
retained until the end, although only by fifteen seconds on the water.

  1. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  2. Liam Routley (Laser Full)
  3. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  4. Roger Heasman and Rick Thurlow (Bosun)
    DNS Adam Hilton (Solo)

Thanks were given to race officer John Dabbs.

    18th August 2024 Race Report

    Cup 7

    Dave Perrett (Solo, with a small sail) was first over the line. He was at the far end of the start line on
    starboard tack when most of the fleet started on port from the other end. He benefitted from the
    clean air and was still first rounding the first buoy, followed by Jane Anderson. By the time the fleet
    reached the top of the Lake James and Nathan Pollard had exploited their Lasers’ speed and were
    first and second. It was a sunny/cloudy day with a moderate wind and quite powerful gusts, reducing
    as time went on. The Bosuns, Roger Heasman’s with Adam Hilton and Brian Pollard’s with Natasha
    Routley, tussled. The Heasman boat eventually came out on top.

    1. James Pollard (Laser Full)
    2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
    3. Jane Anderson (Laser 4.7)
    4. Roger Heasman and Adam Hilton (Bosun)
    5. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
    6. Dave Perrett (Solo),
    7. Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun)
      Retired: Robin Spiller (Solo)

    Commodore 5

    The fleet increased to eleven and, with the wind reducing, two of the Solos had full-sized sails. The
    long beat to Far was reduced to Pinkie which Nathan Pollard was the first to reach. He led at the end
    of each lap. Jane Anderson’s Laser 4.7 was never far from Dave Perrett’s Solo; she finishing some
    thirty seconds behind, fourth on the water. Brian Pollard spent most of the race as the lead Bosun
    but lost the position to Roger Heasman on the last lap.

    1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
    2. James Pollard (Laser Full)
    3. Jane Anderson (Laser 4.7)
    4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
    5. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
    6. Paul Anderson (Laser Radial)
    7. Roger Heasman and Bob Sampson (Bosun)
    8. Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun)
    9. Robin Spiller (Solo)
    10. Adam Hilton (Solo)
    11. Liam Routley (Laser Full)

    Thanks were given to Linda Spiller who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photos.

    14th August 2024 Race Report

    Roger’s Bowl 6

    The winds had abandoned their brief sojourn in the East and were blowing from a more
    familiar Northwest at a speed of 13mph, plus gusts of course, but coming over a reasonably
    smooth contour, they were comparatively friendly gusts. It was sunny. There were no

    The four Solos in the race were all equipped with small sails, by agreement among their
    helms. Rob Spiller got his over the start line first followed by John Dabbs with Graham Joyce
    in a reefed Bosun and then Linda Spiller in the sole Laser Radial. Rick Thurlow’s course went
    from a far side start around Zebra to West, then across to Middle and up to Far. Apart from
    a brief reach across the centre of the Lake this was all beating and it put a premium on the
    boat/helm’s ability to point high. The Spiller Laser was first around Zebra but couldn’t make
    west in one tack which Adam Hilton’s Solo could. He took a lead which was not
    subsequently relinquished. The Dabbs/Joyce Bosun, one of three in the race, was third at
    the end of lap 1 but Roger Heasman’s sister ship with Bob Sampson as crew had a full
    mainsail and took over as lead Bosun. Dave Perrett, whose Solo was only fifth at the start
    pulled himself up to be the second of the Solos, third boat to finish. The handicap gave Linda
    Spiller victory by a few seconds.

    1. Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)
    2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
    3. Roger Heasman and Bob Sampson(Bosun)
    4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
    5. John Dabbs and Graham Joyce (Bosun)
    6. Robin Spiller (Solo)
      Retired: Colin and Louise Witchell (Bosun), Geoff Floyd (Solo)

    Thanks were given to race officer Rick Thurlow

    11th August 2024 Race Report

    Cup 6

    South-easterly winds dictated a start towards the Dam and that meant congestion at Dam Green
    buoy. Bob Sampson (Laser Full) got round first with Nathan Pollard (Laser Full) following and Jane
    Anderson (Laser 4.7) emerging doing penalty turns. The three Solos in the race all had cut down
    sails, amply justified by the strength of the wind gusts. Dave Perrett’s was the last of the three over
    the line but managed his tacks well and was the first of the three at Dam Green. He stayed ahead of
    the other Solos throughout. Vicki Duncalf kept her Topper in touch with the fleet, finishing ten
    minutes behind the leader, and the handicap rewarded her with third place.

    1. Jane Anderson (Laser 4.7)
    2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
    3. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
    4. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
    5. Dave Perrett (Solo),
    6. Adam Hilton (Solo)
      Retired: Geoff Floyd (Solo)

    Tamar 8

    Nathan Pollard was first round Dam Green in strengthened winds and warm sun. Jane Anderson,
    Bob Sampson, now with a sail two sizes down, and Dave Perrett all converged on the buoy, the Solo
    helm performing penalties afterwards. The two small-sailed Lasers were never far apart but Jane
    Anderson remained in front, not near enough to Nathan Pollard for the handicap to give her victory
    however. The handicap did push the Perrett Solo down below the Pollard/Hilton Bosun which
    finished a minute and a half behind. Vicki Duncalf, another couple of minutes back, was again

    1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
    2. Jane Anderson (Laser 4.7)
    3. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
    4. Bob Sampson (Laser 4.7)
    5. Brian Pollard and Adam Hilton (Bosun)
    6. Dave Perrett (Solo)

    Thanks were given to Sue Murray who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photos.

    31st July 2024 Race Report

    Roger’s Bowl 5

    It was a very hot afternoon with no wind on arrival at the lake, however just before the start a decent breeze raised the prospect of a good race. 

    Seven boats took to the water, with the added challenge of a group of kayaks close to the start line.  Robin was first over the  line in his solo, followed by John and Leila in the bosun.  Adam deftly slalomed through the kayaks to the first buoy!  Skillfully managed to move from 6th to 1st before the second buoy on the first lap and remained in front throughout.  Four laps, with everyone well spaced out, so no pressure at each buoy and little opportunity to improve position.

    1. Bob Sampson, Laser full
    2. Sue Murray, Laser radial
    3. Adam Hilton, Solo
    4. Linda Spiller, Laser radial
    5. John Dabbs & Leila Farmer, Bosun
    6. Robin Spiller, Solo
      Retired John Bucket, Otter

    Thanks were given to Colin and Louise Witchell who ran the races

    Photo taken just before the start. 

    4th August 2024 Race Report

    Commodore 4

    Dave Perrett (Solo) was first over the line. Brian Pollard (Louise Witchell crewing the Bosun) followed
    but, by the time they reached West, Nathan Pollard had taken a lead he never relinquished. It was a
    day of exceptionally gusty winds coming from many westerly points. This made the centre of the
    Lake an unpredictable place to be. And Bob Sampson’s course had had to concentrate on the central
    buoys because a major fishing competition had made the Devon bank and the upper reaches of the
    Cornwall bank unapproachable by dinghies. There were two Solos in the race and they competed
    fiercely until a capsize put Adam Hilton’s out of contention. Jane Anderson’s Laser Radial overtook
    the Solos and pulled away. The Pollard Bosun and Vicki Duncalf’s Topper brought up the rear.

    1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
    2. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
    3. Dave Perrett (Solo),
    4. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
    5. Brian Pollard and Louise Witchell (Bosun)
      Retired: Adam Hilton (Solo)

    Pursuit 5

    In this pursuit race six boats started but only three finished; the sudden powerful gusts continuing to
    catch out many helms. Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)and Robin Spiller (Solo) joined the fleet and John
    Dabbs took over crewing duties in Brian Pollard’s Bosun. Vicki Duncalf, who started first, led for
    three laps before being overtaken by the Pollard/Dabbs Bosun. Nathan Pollard’s Laser, the last to
    start by a substantial margin, never managed to catch up.

    1. Brian Pollard and John Dabbs (Bosun)
    2. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
    3. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
      Retired: Robin Spiller (Solo) Linda Spiller (Laser Full) Dave Perrett (Solo)

    Thanks were given to Bob Sampson who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photos

    28th July 2024 Race Report

    Cup 5

    What winds there were came from the southwest and so the race set off towards the Dam. It was
    hard to know whether to start from the pontoon end of the line on starboard tack or from the other
    end on port. The three Lasers knew and made Dam Green in one tack from close up to the pontoon,
    Jane Anderson leading. The two Solos didn’t know and took two tacks to get round the buoy. Nathan
    Pollard’s Laser was neck and neck with Bob Sampson’s at Zebra and took over the lead from Jane
    Anderson on the way back from Pinkie. Dave Perrett’s Solo led Adam Hilton’s for most of the race
    but Adam had a spell in front on the way up to Pinkie. Because the winds were so light (and
    disappeared from time to time), the race was shortened to two laps.

    1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
    2. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
    3. Jane Anderson (Laser Full)
    4. Dave Perrett (Solo),
    5. Adam Hilton (Solo)
    6. Roger Heasman and Jenny Routley (Bosun)

    Sailboat 6

    Linda Spiller (Laser Full), Robin Spiller (Solo) and John Dabbs (Bosun, Adam Hilton crewing) joined
    the fleet and Linda had a good race, getting over the start line first and winning a race-long tussle
    with Bob Sampson. The Dabbs/Hilton Bosun, on the other hand, retired after one very slow lap. The
    Solos swapped places a good deal with Robin Spiller eventually prevailing. Nathan Pollard again led
    the race from early on.

    1. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
    2. Jane Anderson (Laser Full)
    3. Linda Spiller (Laser Full)
    4. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
    5. Robin Spiller (Solo)
    6. Dave Perrett (Solo)
      Retired: John Dabbs and Adam Hilton (Bosun)

    Thanks were given to Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley who ran the races and took the photos.

    24th July 2024 Race Report

    Roger’s Bowl 4

    This damp, grey afternoon had a light but gusty south-westerly blowing across the Lake.
    Seven boats lined up for a very close start, all boats bunched close together at the line,
    jostling for position. Unfortunately the Adam Hilton/Stuart Wolf Bosun crossed the line
    early and turning back put them well behind by the time the fleet reached the windward
    mark. Leading the pack at this point was Bob Sampson (Laser Full), followed by closely by
    Ian Chatterton (Enterprise), Sue Murray (Laser 4.7) and John Dabbs’ Bosun with Leila Farmer
    crewing. There was plenty of close manoeuvring between these three boats for second
    place but Ian found handling the two-person Enterprise on his own a handful in such gusty
    conditions, just about keeping it together at Middle buoy but losing ground as Sue moved
    into second position. The wind was doing strange things near the Dam which, coupled with
    Ian mistakenly going the wrong way round the buoy (but luckily realising and correcting his
    mistake), presented a challenge to everyone.
    Bob, making the most of his Laser with a full sail, stretched his lead in the second lap.
    Meanwhile an interesting race developed for second place, Sue gradually stretching her
    lead over John and Ian but with frequent shuffling of positions. The Dam Green mark almost
    proved fatal for Bob on the final lap as he pirouetted, having hit the buoy with his boom and
    then snagging his mainsheet, just about keeping upright as the wind played games and
    crossing the finish line 10 minutes before the next boat. Sue was next, followed by John, Ian
    and Adam. The two toppers followed, having had been sailed consistently well throughout
    the race and benefitting from the handicap system in the final results.
    The Adam/Stuart Bosun swapped helm during the race so is not represented in the official

    1. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
    2. Ethan Walker (Topper)
    3. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
    4. John Dabbs and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
    5. Milo Steer (Topper)
    6. Ian Chatterton (Enterprise)
      Disqualified: Adam Hilton and Stuart Wolf (Bosun)

    Thanks were given to race officer Dave Perrett

    21st July 2024 Race Report

    Barnwell 7

    On a day with a fluky north-westerly wind, the 8-strong fleet got away well in a closely-bunched group before taking different options on the fastest way to beat toward West buoy; whilst the bulk of the fleet opted to hug the Devon bank, Brian Pollard and Jane Anderson tacked away early over towards the Cornwall bank of the reservoir.  Nathan Pollard in his full-rig Laser wasted no time in moving into an early lead and as the fleet did a dogleg at the Home 2 buoy and headed up towards Pinky, he had already put a considerable distance between himself and the rest of the fleet.  However, despite sailing a Topper dinghy, nominally the slowest class of boat on the water, Jane Anderson was showing her customary sailing expertise to be at the head of the chasing pack in second place.  It wasn’t until the third lap that the Bosuns of Brian Pollard and John Dabbs managed to overtake Jane. 

    The three Bosuns in the fleet were having a close fought tussle of their own, with Brian Pollard initially  leading the trio, before John Dabbs and crew Linda Spiller overtook  before the end of the third lap.  By the end of the hour-long race, Nathan Pollard had continued to leave the rest of the fleet far behind, crossing the line nearly nine minutes ahead of the second boat.  However, despite this it wasn’t enough to give him the win on corrected time, with Jane Anderson being a comfortable winner on handicap, leaving Nathan in second, followed in turn by Vicki Duncalf in another Topper taking third place.


    1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
    2. Nathan Pollard (Laser)
    3. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
    4. John Dabbs and Linda Spiller (Bosun)
    5. Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun)
    6. Roger Heasman and Jenny Routley (Bosun)
    7. Dave Perrett (Solo)
      Robin Spiller (Solo) retired

                Tamar 7

                An altered course for the second race resulted in a biased start line and this led to a considerable melee of boats jostling for position at the favoured pin end but out this free-for-all Nathan Pollard managed to get clear away into clean air, closely followed by Dave Perrett in his Solo.  A short reach to the Zebra buoy was followed by a true beat to West, with Nathan once again soon disappearing into the far distance in his Laser.  Behind him, Linda Spiller was going well in the smaller-rigged Laser 4.7, managing second place behind Nathan at the end of the third lap, with Dave’s Solo only just behind.  The closest tussle on the water was between the two Bosuns, with Roger Heasman  initially just ahead, but with Brian Pollard bit-by-bit eating into the gap between them.  Uncharacteristically, Jane Anderson had made a poor start and was last away and it wasn’t until the end of the first lap that she managed to close up with the other Topper helmed by Vicki Duncalf.  The revised course gave a long broad reach all the way from Far buoy right down to the Dam and some of the faster boats were able to exploit this if the gusts of wind came at the right time, getting onto the plane and accelerating away.  

                By the end of the race, Nathan Pollard again had exploited his superior boat speed to be first across the line by a huge margin, with Linda Spiller over six minutes behind.  The Bosun duel continued all the way to the finish: Brian rounded the penultimate mark two boat lengths ahead, but a rapid roll-gybe enabled Roger to inch ever nearer and he was agonisingly close as the two dinghies crossed the finish line almost side-by-side.  After calculation of boat handicaps, the leading positions were a reversal of the previous race’s, with Nathan in first place and the recovering Jane in second.


                1. Nathan Pollard (Laser)
                2. Jane Anderson (Topper)
                3. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
                4. Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7)
                5. Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun)
                6. Roger Heasman and Jenny Routley (Bosun)
                7. Dave Perrett (Solo)
                8. Robin Spiller (Solo)

                              Thanks were given to race officer John Buckett and to photographer Mandy Pollard.

                              17th July 2024 Race Report

                              Roger’s Bowl 3

                              The twiddley-thumbs boats had barely moved in their morning races but by two o’clock there were
                              gentle winds coming down the Lake from points west of north which enabled a fleet of six to cross
                              the start line, Robin Spiller (Solo) a little prematurely. Adam Hilton (Solo) set off first followed by the
                              two Bosuns of John Dabbs (with Leila Farmer) and Roger Heasman (sailing on his own). Linda Spiller,
                              her Laser equipped with a full-sized sail, had many places to make up but was second at the end of
                              lap 1 and took over the lead on the way to Pinkie on lap 2. A minute and a half’s lead at the finish
                              was not enough to overcome the Hilton Solo’s more advantageous handicap. The Dabbs Bosun kept
                              bumping into buoys and boats; the resultant penalty turns kept it at the rear but near enough Ethan
                              Walker’s Laser Radial for the handicap to promote it to fifth.

                              1. Adam Hilton (Solo)
                              2. Linda Spiller (Laser Full)
                              3. Roger Heasman (Bosun)
                              4. Robin Spiller (Solo)
                              5. John Dabbs and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
                              6. Ethan Walker (Laser Radial)

                              Thanks were given to race to Ian Chatterton who ran the race