Roadford weekend 24-25 Sept 2022

by John Dabbs

 John Dabbs

The relaxation of the Covid rules allowed us to re-start the annual Roadford Weekend this year after two years’ absence.  The date was originally chosen to coincide with the closure of Tamar Lake that weekend for a fishing competition.

The subsequent closure of Tamar Lake due to its low water level had persuaded eight of our members to temporarily transfer their boats to Roadford Lake so, supplemented by Toby’s Lugger and John Buckett’s Falmouth Bass boat, there was an ample pool of boats available to launch for this weekend without the need to trail additional boats from Tamar Lake.

Saturday provided us with a north-ish on-shore breeze in bright sunshine, which made for a challenging launch process through the exposed mud fronting the very low water level in the lake.  Reefed-down Lugger and Bass boats took to the water, as did brave Geoff in his Solo.  All paused for a Club community shore-based picnic lunch before venturing out again with a different crew selection.

John D had made a booking for dinner at the nearby Clovelly Arms pub in Bratton Clovelly, attended by ten of us.  Good pub grub, enhanced by an excellent pudding selection.

Our new-found friends from the Roadford Lake Sailing Club had invited us to join in their Sunday races, and six of us took up the challenge. See Adam’s Race Report

Meanwhile, others enjoyed pleasant sails around the lake in a moderated wind in the Bosun, Lugger and Falmouth Bass boats, interrupted only by a communal picnic lunch.

Apart from the memory of a weekend spent in the company of our Club members sailing together in fair weather, one lasting memory will be that of launching and recovering our boats through a particularly sticky mud at the water’s edge.


25th September 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Sheba Tobias

@Roadford Lake

This was the long-planned (thank you, John Dabbs) Roadford camping and dinner weekend but although several people sailed on Saturday no races took place.

Sunday was not a bad day at Roadford lake, chillier than of late despite a good deal of sun and very light, variable winds which started coming from the north and ended up from the west. The Roadford club had its complement of Supernovas on the water with a pinch of Lasers too. We were represented by Sue Murray and Linda Spiller in Radials, by Robin Spiller in his Streaker and by three Solos; Geoff Floyd’s, Adam Hilton’s and, for the first time, David Perrett’s much-refurbished, ex-John Savage, navy blue Solo. John Dabbs was around with Ian Chatterton as crew but not racing. And the Lake was graced with the presence of Toby and Sheba Tobias sailing their stately way up and down.

Roadford’s buoys are becoming more familiar and so the host club’s relaxed way of setting them – often changes are made on the water between back-to-back races – is less disconcerting. The start line on this Sunday was a flag on a post placed onshore opposite a buoy. The first mark was East, the second Oak, then across to Inlet and up to Tower and back to the start – a rough figure of eight.

Results taken from RLSC Facebook page

G Bond aka Geoff Floyd, John & Cilla Davies aka John Dabbs & Cilla Gilbert!!!

Congratulations Sue – Well Done members of UTLSC 

Wed 14th Sep 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

@ Roadford Lake

There was a good bit more blow than the 8mph south-easterlies forecast but it had subsided by the time we got on the water and the sun came out. Leila Farmer, crewing in John Dabbs’ Bosun, blew her whistle for the start and we set off towards a yellow buoy somewhere in that unfamiliarly large expanse of water. The Supernovas took to the front but Bob Sampson (Laser) kept up and the handicap gave him the win. Linda Spiller (Radial) drew away from Adam Hilton’s Solo. Geoff Floyd (Solo) followed along with the Bosun. Robin Spiller did two laps of the three in his Streaker. A nice little sail.

National PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Bob Sampson LASER 1100 00:53:02 0:48:13
2 Dave (RLSC) SUPERNOVA 1077 00:52:08 0:48:24
3 Steve (RLSC) SUPERNOVA 1077 00:52:30 0:48:45
4 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1147 00:57:40 0:50:17
5 Adam Hilton SOLO 1142 00:59:33 0:52:09
6 John Dabbs Leila Farmer BOSUN 1232 01:07:00 0:54:23
7 Geoff Floyd SOLO 1142 01:04:00 0:56:03
8 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1128 RET

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

18th Sep 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

@Roadford Lake

Roadford Lake was sunny, chilly and glassy at 10am but by the start of the first race at 11.30 there was a little wind coming from points north – many points; it was very variable in both strength and direction. Most of the Tamar boats are now established with tie downs on the beach and therefore not too far from the water but the water is so far down that it’s still a sharp (and muddy) pull to get them back up. Five Tamar boats took to the water; Bob Sampson’s big Laser, Sue Murray and Linda Spiller’s Radials, Robin Spiller’s Streaker and Adam Hilton’s Solo.

The Roadford contingent consisted of three Supernovas, a big Laser, a pretty, varnished Firefly, a single-handed Wayfarer and a rather elegant Albacore. The RLSC Commodore, Richard Willows, designed the course, started the races and won both of them in his Supernova. Sue Murray got a second and a sixth on handicap and Bob Sampson a seventh and a fourth. Linda Spiller got a fifth and an eighth, Robin two ninths and Adam Hilton’s score would have looked better if he’d remembered to give his first race finish time; his second was seventh.

Results shown are copied from RLSC files.


Sat 10th Sept 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

@Roadford Lake

Roadford was hosting a triathlon on Sunday so RLSC switched their races to the Saturday. Their fleet was reduced to two Supernovas. UTLSC was represented by John Dabbs with Cilla Gilbert in John’s Bosun, Adam Hilton in his Solo and Bob Sampson’s Laser.

Results shown are copied from RLSC files.

14 Sep at Roadford Lake

There was a good bit more blow than the 8mph south-easterlies forecast but it had subsided by the time we got on the water and the sun came out. Leila Farmer, crewing in John Dabbs’ Bosun, blew her whistle for the start and we set off towards a yellow buoy somewhere in that unfamiliarly large expanse of water. The Supernovas took to the front but Bob Sampson (Laser) kept up and the handicap gave him the win. Linda Spiller (Radial) drew away from Adam Hilton’s Solo. Geoff Floyd (Solo) followed along with the Bosun. Robin Spiller did two laps of the three in his Streaker. A nice little sail.

National PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Bob Sampson LASER 1100 00:53:02 0:48:13
2 Dave (RLSC) SUPERNOVA 1077 00:52:08 0:48:24
3 Steve (RLSC) SUPERNOVA 1077 00:52:30 0:48:45
4 Linda Spiller LASER RADIAL 1147 00:57:40 0:50:17
5 Adam Hilton SOLO 1142 00:59:33 0:52:09
6 John Dabbs Leila Farmer BOSUN 1232 01:07:00 0:54:23
7 Geoff Floyd SOLO 1142 01:04:00 0:56:03
8 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1128 RET

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

27 August – 4 Sep 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Robin Spiller – 4th Sep

@Roadford Lake

The Roadford Sailing Club held a long bank holiday weekend of races 27-29 August. Only Sue Murray attended but she sailed most of them and got a couple of sevenths in fleets numbering more than twenty.

The following Wednesday, 31 August, Linda Spiller (Laser Radial), John Dabbs and David Perrett (Bosun) and Adam Hilton (Solo) were going to have a little improvised race but Adam blew it by capsizing before the start and having to be towed in.

On Sunday 4 Sep the weather started better than forecast and Sue Murray, Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7s) and Adam Hilton (Solo) joined in the informal RLSC race for a couple of laps before the squalls started. Adam Hilton managed to stay upright and Linda Spiller managed to unentangle her mainsheet from the course buoy which had grabbed it.

27 August – 4 Sep 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Robin Spiller – 4th Sep

@Roadford Lake

The Roadford Sailing Club held a long bank holiday weekend of races 27-29 August. Only Sue Murray attended but she sailed most of them and got a couple of sevenths in fleets numbering more than twenty.

The following Wednesday, 31 August, Linda Spiller (Laser Radial), John Dabbs and David Perrett (Bosun) and Adam Hilton (Solo) were going to have a little improvised race but Adam blew it by capsizing before the start and having to be towed in.

On Sunday 4 Sep the weather started better than forecast and Sue Murray, Linda Spiller (Laser 4.7s) and Adam Hilton (Solo) joined in the informal RLSC race for a couple of laps before the squalls started. Adam Hilton managed to stay upright and Linda Spiller managed to unentangle her mainsheet from the course buoy which had grabbed it.

21st August 2022 Race Report

Roadford Lake Sailing Club August Series

While Upper Tamar Lake remains the unsailable Upper Tamar Pond a number of club members have taken their boats to Roadford Lake where the sailing club has been generous in its welcome and invitation to join in their races without fuss or formality. And so on Sunday 21st five Tamar boats signed on for that day’s RLSC August series; two races run back-to-back. John Dabbs had brought his Bosun and Cilla Gilbert had offered to crew. There were two Lasers; Bob Sampson’s Full and Linda Spiller’s Radial. Robin Spiller had his Streaker and Adam Hilton his Solo. Geoff Floyd had taken his Solo to Roadford but wasn’t available that Sunday.

Roadford Lake was massively down from full but it’s a very large lake and there was plenty of water to sail on; indeed without coming anywhere near using the extremities of the lake the course had legs of unfamiliar length, somewhat disturbing when helms were not at all sure which buoy they were aiming at until the leader rounded it, particularly when the course was changed after the first race without anyone being able to go ashore to look at it on a plan or even borrow a pen to write it down! The wind varied from barely present to squally with accompanying rain.

The RLSC fleet at present seems to consist of Supernovas (racing with a 1077 handicap), Lasers (on the national 1100 handicap) and a lone Wayfarer. The home team won both races; Bob Sampson however, was up there with the leaders, fourth in the first race and third in the second.


Race 1

4th      Bob Sampson (Laser Full)

7th      Adam Hilton (Solo)

8th      Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)

10th    John Dabbs and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

11th    Robin Spiller (Streaker)


Race 2

3rd      Bob Sampson (Laser Full)

5th      Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)

8th      John Dabbs and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

7th August 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Mandy Pollard

Commodore Cup 2 (National PNs)

The water in Tamar Lake continues to drop making it too shallow to get to West. In addition a big fishing competition meant there was too little space between the fishing lines to get into Inlet or go further north than Middle. So a new buoy was dropped, west of Middle, to add a little breadth to the course. But the sun shone and there was more wind than the force 1s and 2s forecast with the result that two excellent races took place.

The winds being from points around north, with occasional decidedly eastern gusts, reaching Middle meant tacking and Penny Abbott, who was running the races, made sure those tacks were important by demanding that Zebra be taken to starboard but Home 2 and Middle be taken to port.  Vicki Duncalf’s Topper was first over the line but it was Nathan Pollard’s Laser that passed Home 2 in first place with Bob Sampson’s sister Laser chasing and John Dabbs’ Bosun, with David Perrett, in third. By the time they reached the new western buoy, tentatively called New Dabbs after the hero who dropped it, Adam Hilton’s Solo had taken third place and Brian Pollard, with Cilla Gilbert, had caught up the other Bosun. Thereafter the order changed little, the two Lasers lapping the rear of the field on the last lap.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Nathan Pollard LASER 1100 0:33:40 0:30:36
2 Bob Sampson LASER 1100 0:33:58 0:30:53
3 John Dabbs BOSUN 1232 0:39:46 0:32:17
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1142 0:37:00 0:32:24
5 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1365 0:45:44 0:33:30
6 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1232 0:44:51 0:36:24
7 Graham Joyce LASER 1100 RET
8 Penny Abbott OOD


Spalding Cup 2 (UTLSC PNs)

The wind had come round more to the north which made the startline windward buoy a very congested place with the result that the first start was recalled with boats prematurely over the line. At the second start the Solo of Adam Hilton was first and led up the course although to leeward of the warring Lasers of Bob Sampson and Nathan Pollard who arrived at the northernmost buoy in front. The Solo got stuck in irons, allowed the whole field to pass and spent the rest of the race recovering. The Lasers continued to battle, Bob Sampson ending lap 1 in front but Nathan Pollard leading at the end of each subsequent lap. The two Bosuns were also locked in conflict after Brian Pollard had made up for a slow start and led the Dabbs Bosun for the first two laps. Lap 3 was epic with the Bosun order reversing at Home 2 and again at Middle with the two boats very close at Dam Green; Dabbs just ahead. The Officer of the Day had added an extra buoy to add spice to the rather featureless run back towards the Dam. So many buoys to round caught out Graham Joyce who having a fine race in his Laser; he had to retire after going the wrong side of Zebra. The handicaps tossed the order in the air, with Vicki Duncalf, who had finished this race last but much closer to the faster boats than in the previous race, being awarded first place.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Vicki Duncalf TOPPER 1334 0:42:58 0:32:13
2 John Dabbs David Perrett BOSUN 1236 0:40:07 0:32:27
3 Nathan Pollard LASER 1075 0:35:18 0:32:50
4 Bob Sampson LASER 1075 0:35:46 0:33:16
5 Adam Hilton SOLO 1143 0:38:16 0:33:29
6 Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert BOSUN 1236 0:41:39 0:33:42
7 Graham Joyce LASER 1075 RET
8 Penny Abbott OOD

Penny Abbott was Officer Of the Day; Mandy Pollard took the photos. Many thanks to both of them.

Wednesday 3rd August 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Teatime Plate 1

The forecast was for grey skies and force 3 gusting 4. What turned up was sun and force 2 gusting 3. Too late! The fair-weather sailors had already decided there were more important things to do (mending knees, tending children). On the other hand the fleet received a very welcome visit from a rare bird, Steve Axford, who took out his Laser Radial. John Dabbs had Louise Witchell as crew in Quebec and Adam Hilton’s Bosun had David Perrett up front. The water of the Lake was still just as low so all that was done to Nicky Buckett’s Sunday straight-up-and-down course was to extend it, now that there were no fishermen, to Pinky. Steve Axford got away well and soon pulled out a lead although not a big one until the third (and last) lap. John Dabbs followed, kept thoroughly honest (again for the first two laps) by the Hilton/Perret Bosun. John and Ruth Savage came to the Lake and Dave Perrett took the opportunity to buy John’s Solo. Expect to see it on the water with a sparkling new coat of paint shortly.

  1. John Dabbs and Louise Witchell (Bosun)
  2. Adam Hilton and David Perrett (Bosun)
  3. Steve Axford (Laser Radial)


Adam Hilton should have run the races but was needed on the water so pressed the button and ran.