26th March 2023 Race Report

Jane Anderson, sailing her Topper, was first across the start line and led every tack, reach and run of this four lap race, this despite her craft being, according to the handicaps, the slowest boat on the water. The wind was blowing at highly variable strengths and from highly variable points around East North East. It made a grey Tamar Lake feel distinctly cold.

The course took the fleet around Zebra and to Inlet, a couple of tacks. Then it was a run to West before more tacks to Pinky and a run back to Dam Green. Roger Heasman and Dave Perrett in the Bosun were second around Inlet. Adam Hilton and Leila Farmer in another Bosun were next, although soon to be overtaken by John Dabbs and Linda Spiller in the third of the Bosun fleet. Geoff Floyd followed, the Solo hard to handle in the gusts even with a small sail.

The order remained the same at the end of lap 1 but at the end of lap 2 the Dabbs/Spiller Bosun had overtaken its Heasman/Spiller sister.  The third Bosun was losing a lot of ground with the Solo still further back. The Solo retired after a capsize on lap 2 and the lagging Bosun lost broke its tiller and was obliged to beach on lap 3. The leading trio remained close; Heasman and Dabbs swapping places from time to time. All three crossed the finish line within twenty seconds of each other.

Many thanks were given to Paul Anderson who ran the race.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Jane Anderson TOPPER 1335 0.46.01 0.34.28
2 Roger Heasman Dave Perrett BOSUN 1228 0.46.10 0.37.36
3 John Dabbs Linda Spiller BOSUN 1228 0.46.22 0.37.45
Adam Hilton Leila Farmer BOSUN 1228 RET
Geoff Floyd SOLO 1143 RET
Paul Anderson OOD

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2

19th March 2023 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

For the first race of the season, the first for the Barnwell Cup, a hazy sun was out, the winds were from West North West and blowing a little more strongly than the 7mph forecast. A very full Tamar Lake had blessedly few other users.

John Dabbs took out his Bosun with Karl Moss, a welcome newcomer from Bradworthy as crew. Jane and Paul Anderson, after a 2022 of barely setting foot in a boat, took out their Lasers, hers with a Radial sail, his with a full size. Finally, Dave Perrett and Adam Hilton had their Solos on the water. There would have been more if half the Club had not been suffering from one bug or another.

Bob Sampson set a course that entailed a beat up to West, a gybe and a short run across to Middle, then more beating up to Pinky. Coming back south meant reaching to the point before the Inlet, then a tricky little passage of sailing by the lee or coping with an unpredictable gybe before rounding Inlet buoy. Crossing to Zebra was an invigorating passage, the lighter boats on the edge of planning, after which the run to Dam Green was relaxing until another gybe around that buoy before competitors re-crossed the start line.

Jane Anderson was the first to cross the start line, on starboard tack. Most of the rest of the field chose to start on port tack, with John Dabbs second over the line and Adam Hilton third. Dave Perrett started on the near side of the startline when the course stated that he should have crossed on the far side. He lost time going back. Paul Anderson’s rudder was unwilling to remain properly attached to his boat. He lost time too. Jane Anderson was the first to round the first buoy with Adam Hilton second and John Dabbs third. Paul Anderson was catching up the Perrett Solo but didn’t get past until after Inlet. Thereafter the order remained the same but there was still plenty of racing going on. The Dabbs Bosun was close enough to the leaders at the end of the first lap for the handicap to have given him victory if the race had ended then. Equally Adam Hilton would have won on handicap if the race had ended after two laps. But it didn’t and after three laps Jane Anderson’s lead was a secure one minute and seventeen seconds

  1. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)
  2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  3. John Dabbs and Karl Moss (Bosun)
  4. Paul Anderson (Laser Full)
  5. Dave Perrett (Solo)

Bob Sampson kindly ran the race.

Boxing Day 2022

by Adam Hilton

Bob Sampson

Sailing on Boxing Day has long been a tradition of the Tamar Lake club and this Boxing Day was no exception. However the still present virus, family commitments and like impediments reduced the numbers of members attending to about a dozen. These few however were rewarded by a sparkling Lake, full of water with the excess cascading over the dam; such a pleasure to see after the miserable puddle of the drought-ridden summer which had meant that the racing season had to be cut short. Moreover the weather turned out sunny, not too cold and with sharp little north-westerly winds, perfect for propelling sailing dinghies up and down.

Two Bosun dinghies went out. John Dabbs took one of the Club’s Bosuns with Ethan Walker as crew. Adam Hilton’s Bosun had Anna Walker at the helm with her mother and the owner as crew. The little fleet took two tacks to get up to Far buoy, then reached back towards the Dam, turned and repeated the exercise. The Club’s always fast, pale blue Rob Eason Bosun easily out-paced the Hilton boat. The crews came off the water beaming; so grateful to have been back on the water  at Tamar Lake. Roll on the spring and the new racing season!


John Dabbs Crew Award 2022

John Dabbs would like to present this year’s Crew Award to….


This award is to the person with the best 7 (or 9!) race results from 39 races as a Crew.

Best Results from 39 races SUM of Best
CrewName 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SUM 7 SUM 9
Linda Spiller 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 2 2 7.5 11.5
David Perrett 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 17
Louise Witchell 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 39 39 15 93
Cilla Gilbert 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 16 24
Leila Farmer 1 1 1 1 1 4 39 39 39 48 126
Adam Hilton 2 3 3 3 39 39 39 39 39 128 206
Robin Spiller 1 3 3 4 39 39 39 39 39 128 206
Colin Witchell 3 4 6 6 39 39 39 39 39 136 214
Bob Sampson 1 1 1 39 39 39 39 39 39 159 237
Sue Murray 1 2 2 39 39 39 39 39 39 161 239
Geoff Floyd 2 4 5 39 39 39 39 39 39 167 245
Vicki Duncalf 3 4 5 39 39 39 39 39 39 168 246
Anna Walker 3 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 237 315
Roger Heasman 3 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 237 315
Jane Anderson 4 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 238 316
John Buckett 5 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 239 317
John Weller 7 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 241 319

23rd October 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Robin Spiller

@Roadford Lake

There were supposed to be showers and 20mph gusts but they didn’t turn up until lunchtime. The races were wafted along on the gentlest of winds from various southerly directions. Ten boats crossed the start line and tacked towards the dam. The Roadford Commodore had added an OK to the beginning-to-be-familiar fleet of Supernovas, the Hadron 2, the International Canoe and the Albacore.

Only three Tamar boats went out. Linda Spiller and Bob Sampson had Radials and Adam Hilton his Solo. The three toured around at the back of the fleet, although hauled up the order a bit by the handicaps; Bob Sampson getting a sixth in the first race, Adam Hilton a sixth in the second.

Race 1

1 Norman Halstead Supernova
2 Richard Willows OK
3 Chris Tilbrook Albacore
4 Kevin Reed Supernova
5 Nick Wapshott Hadron H2
6 Bob Sampson Laser
7 Adam Hilton Solo
8 Steve Tostevin Supernova
9 Ed Bremner Int Canoe
10 Linda Spiller Laser Radial


Race 2

6Adam HiltonSolo

1 Norman Halstead Supernova
2 Steve Tostevin Supernova
3 Kevin Reed Supernova
4 Nick Wapshott Hadron H2
5 Chris Tilbrook Albacore
6 Adam Hilton Solo
7 Linda Spiller Laser Radial
8 Richard Willows OK
9 Ed Bremner Int Canoe
10 Bob Sampson Laser

16th October 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

@Roadford Lake

Only three Tamar boats went out. Sue Murray sailed her 4.7 and the two Solos of David Perrett and Adam Hilton went out.

The Roadfords had seven boats out; their usual Supernovas and the odd Laser but also the Albacore, an International Canoe and a Hadron 2.

The wind was strongish and gusty – a good deal of capsizing took place. Dave Perrett was finding the Solo given to rock and roll on the run but the Canoe seemed rarely to be upright.

Sue Murray achieved fourth place on corrected time in both races.

Wednesday 12th October 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

@Roadford Lake

Three Soloists took to the water; Floyd, Hilton and Perrett and the Spillers took their boats out. They were joined by the RLSC Commodore Richard Willows in his Supernova. The winds were light and came from the southwest. The Supernova took off into the blue yonder. Linda Spiller’s Radial led Adam Hilton’s Solo by varying distances until he, confused about the number of laps to be sailed, went ashore. Robin Spiller and Geoff Floyd tussled. David Perrett, still finding his way around his Solo, followed along.

9th October 2022 Race Report

by Sue Murray

Linda Spiller

@ Roadford Lake

A mild but blustery October morning . The forecast wind was not in evidence at 10.30 but by the start of the race started at 11.30 the full force of the wind was evident. The three weather forecasts I checked in the morning said 17mph gusting 23 -25 mph.

Bob, in Laser radial and  Linda and Sue with 4.7 sails. Dry capsizes for Bob and Sue before the start was hopefully not a sign of what was to come.

The start line was crowded with approx 12 boats made more confusing with Exeter Uni squad out blowing whistles every minute to tack or gybe.

The first lap saw Tamar boats keeping up with the fleet but with a beat the whole  length of the lake and strengthening wind we struggled to keep up.

After overtaking Sue on the beat Linda touched a buoy and got disheartened and retired.

I didn’t see much then from the very back of the fleet, it was survival mode for me to complete the race.  Bob was doing well in his radial .

One race was enough for the Tamar sailors .

David did very well , out on the water for over an hour in his Solo practising his down wind sailing techniques.

Once again a warm welcome was received by Roadford SC .




Tamar Lake – 4th October 2022

Nicky Buckett

Still No Water!

SWLT suspended all on-water activities on Tamar Lake on 8th August – see SWLT website for more information

John Dabbs went to the lake on Sunday 2nd October.
Nicky went to the lake on Tuesday 4th October and took the above photos.

They put the following posts on the club WhatsApp group…
If you would like to join the UTLSC WhatsApp group please let Penny know – 07917 020775


John Dabbs: A 150mm dia temporary pipe line has been installed at Tamar Lakes, allowing water to be pumped from the Lower Lake to the Upper Lake. Any ideas why?

Nicky Buckett: Was up there yesterday, talked to Cameron he said they are pumping water up to upper tamar from lower Tamar to maintain the flow in the river connecting them for the wild life and to keep the filters having water flow through.


2nd October 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

@Roadford Lake

The weather was not as forecast. There was more sun, less wind and no rain. The start line and adjacent buoys were cluttered with a dozen Exeter Uni Fireflies being coached.

Racing were a couple of Supernovas, a Roadford Laser, their Albacore and Adam Hilton’s Solo as the sole Tamar representative. The Albacore won on the water as it should given its 1040 handicap.

Feeling lonely at the back of the field on those long legs between buoys, Adam skipped the second race. It looked like the Albacore got more competition the second time.