Some early season photographs from Adeney Poolley; at the end, there’s a panoramic photomontage created by Adeney by concatentating several photographs together, using an ‘Autostitch’ program – most interesting….
Small friendly sailing club, based at Upper Tamar Lake, with dinghy racing, cruising and a busy social programme
Some early season photographs from Adeney Poolley; at the end, there’s a panoramic photomontage created by Adeney by concatentating several photographs together, using an ‘Autostitch’ program – most interesting….
Many thanks to Stephen Muller for these photographs, taken of the Pursuit Race on the afternoon of 14th June.
Many thanks to Toby, who took these photos in March, showing preparations for the race, as well as some of boats on the water.
Many thanks to Ray Lovejoy for these photos, taken on a blustery day when sailing wasn’t that easy. Some good shots of boats on the plane, and high speed cornering at Dam Green….
More photos to round off the season, taken by Jane Chadney when she was on rescue boat duty; thanks to her, and to Roger Ford for piloting the RIB to get in the right position.
Photographs from the penultimate day of the season; thanks to Nicky for these, the majority taken from the Dam at the start of the morning race.