Race Competitor Instructions

PLEASE bring a race watch (5 min countdown and records elapsed time) and whistle.

Race Time Keeper. If we are lucky someone will volunteer to be Race Time Keeper – someone ashore willing to start the race and record finish times. See Race Time Keeper instructions.


Race Starter. If there is no Race Time Keeper then someone will need to be willing to press the starting horn through the window of the race hut. This can be a competitor if they are happy they can do this and launch their boat in time to start the race. If someone onshore volunteers to start the race they can go as soon as they have started the countdown.

  • Sanitise their hands
  • Agree a start time with the competitors. Note the race countdown starts 5 mins before the race start time.
  • Watch to make sure that all competitors are on the water – this may take longer than expected to allow one boat on the slip at a time
  • A few SECONDS before the race countdown – Warn competitors that the race countdown is about to start by testing the horn through the window of the race hut
  • 5 mins before the race starts – Press the starting horn to initiate the race countdown
  • The starting horn will automatically make the appropriate blasts during the countdown – so the Race Starter can now leave


Course, number of laps and start time. Help the Race Time Keeper to agree these with all competitors. Or agree them amongst the competitors if there is no Race Time Keeper.

Helm name, Crew name, Class and Sail number. If there is a Race Time Keeper it is your responsibility to ensure that they have all these details for you on their list.

Your race time. Make sure that your race watch will give you an elapsed time. And that you start it at the appropriate time! All competitors note their elapsed time when they cross the finish line and if possible, note who was ahead of you. You must provide an elapsed time. The actual time you cross the finish line is not sufficient as your watch may not have the same time as those of others.

Send in results. Please note your Helm name, Crew name, class and elapsed time and if possible, the name of the person ahead of you and do any or all of the following

  • Post on the UTLSC Members only facebook page – see bottom right of UTLSC.org.uk
  • Put on UTLSC WhatsApp Group
  • Email to pennyj.abbott@gmail.com

If there is a Race Time Keeper your information will only be used to resolve any issues