14th October 2018 race report

Frostbite 3

The morning had been wet and blustery but at noon, as the first race started, the sun came out and the gusts toned down, making for a very nice day’s racing. The winds were from points north of east so the nearest thing to a beating start that James Pollard, race officer on the day, could design was a Home 2 startline aimed at Dam Green, where the usual push and shove took place as fourteen boats tried to go round at much the same moment. Nathan Pollard emerged in the lead on the reach to Zebra and the beat to Inlet. He was closely followed by Bob Sampson in the other full-sailed Laser in the day’s fleet. These two dominated the front of the race and stayed in the lead even when the handicaps were applied. A trio of Laser Radials came along next – Sue Murray’s, Linda Spiller’s and Penny Abbott’s – but between and around them, and having a fine race, was the Enterprise of Alan Comber and John Weller. There were four Bosuns sailing of which Roger Heasman’s (Sally Wills crewing) was the consistent leader, gaining third place after handicapping. And there were two Toppers, Vicki Duncalf’s and Jane Anderson’s, somewhat tangled up in Bosuns, and the familiar yellow-hulled Solo twins of Geoff Floyd and Adam Hilton.

The difference in Topper results between the morning and the afternoon is interesting. It was a bit windier in the afternoon. The morning race (Frostbite 3) was 3 laps and the afternoon race (Icicle 3) was 4 laps.

Rank Class HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Corrected Points
1 LASER Nathan Pollard 1073 0:40:35 0:37:49 1.0
2 LASER Bob Sampson 1073 0:40:45 0:37:59 2.0
3 BOSUN Roger Heasman Sally Willis 1219 0:46:47 0:38:23 3.0
4 LASER RADIAL Sue Murray 1109 0:43:16 0:39:01 4.0
5 SOLO Adam Hilton 1148 0:44:55 0:39:08 5.0
6 LASER RADIAL Linda Spiller 1109 0:44:49 0:40:25 6.0
7 BOSUN Brian Pollard Cilla Gilbert 1219 0:49:44 0:40:48 7.0
8 LASER RADIAL Penny Abbott 1109 0:45:20 0:40:53 8.0
9 BOSUN John Dabbs Jane Chadney 1219 0:49:57 0:40:59 9.0
10 TOPPER Jane Anderson 1330 0:55:57 0:42:04 10.0
11 ENTERPRISE Alan Comber John Weller 1116 0:47:05 0:42:11 11.0
12 TOPPER Vicki Duncalf 1330 0:56:09 0:42:13 12.0
13 SOLO Geoff Floyd 1148 0:50:14 0:43:45 13.0
14 BOSUN Toby Tobias Paul Whybrow 1219 0:55:54 0:45:51 14.0
15 LASER James Pollard 1073 OOD 15.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8


Icicle 3

There were additions to the morning’s fast starters; it was probably Vicki Duncalf first over the line with Jane Chadney (now helming the Commodore’s Bosun with John Dabbs crewing) and Adam Hilton not far behind. But Bob Sampson got round Dam Green first with Nathan Pollard second and they again dominated the race although in the reverse order from the morning. However for a while Nathan fell back to third; it was crucial, in both races, to get between Zebra and Inlet in one tack. If the boat (or it’s helm) couldn’t point high enough places were liable to be lost. This may have been what happened to Nathan’s Laser; in any event he had to overtake the Hilton Solo later in Lap 1. The Laser Radials had their usual ding dong, with Penny Abbott the eventual winner over Sue Murray and Linda Spiller salvaging sixth place on the water after a series of mishaps. Alan Comber’s Enterprise again led the double-handers for much of the race with Jane Chadney in the leading Bosun behind it until the two boats collided at Middle, Jane emerging from penalty turns in front. At the end Adam Hilton’s Solo was only a minute and a half behind Bob Sampson’s leading Laser, little enough for the handicap to give the victory to the Solo.

Rank Class HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Corrected Points
1 SOLO Adam Hilton 1148 0:54:00 0:47:02 1.0
2 LASER Bob Sampson 1073 0:51:23 0:47:53 2.0
3 LASER Nathan Pollard 1073 0:51:50 0:48:18 3.0
4 TOPPER Jane Anderson 1330 1:04:23 0:48:25 4.0
5 TOPPER Vicki Duncalf 1330 1:04:58 0:48:51 5.0
6 LASER RADIAL Penny Abbott 1109 0:54:23 0:49:02 6.0
7 LASER RADIAL Sue Murray 1109 0:54:27 0:49:06 7.0
8 BOSUN Jane Chadney John Dabbs 1219 0:59:55 0:49:09 8.0
9 LASER RADIAL Linda Spiller 1109 0:56:12 0:50:41 9.0
10 BOSUN Sally Willis Roger Heasman 1219 1:03:14 0:51:52 10.0
11 BOSUN Toby Tobias Paul Whybrow 1219 1:03:57 0:52:28 11.0
12 SOLO Geoff Floyd 1148 1:00:32 0:52:44 12.0
13 ENTERPRISE Alan Comber John Weller 1116 1:00:07 0:53:52 13.0
14 BOSUN Cilla Gilbert Brian Pollard 1219 RET 15.0
14 LASER James Pollard 1073 OOD 15.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8