25th March 2018 race report

Early PM: Barnwell 6

The Lakes Trust was hosting one of its massive fishing competitions- every car park and the camping field full – and racing was therefore only scheduled to start at 1.30 pm. Everybody (five single handers and three double) was on the water in bright sunshine and a diminishing breeze but there was trouble with the safety boat. Paul Anderson and Jane Chadney could be seen struggling to get the engine going. In the end it was nearly three o’clock before an effective fuel line was transferred from the Lake’s wheely boat and the race could start. The club Wayfarer was first over the start line. It was being tried out by Adam Hilton and John Dabbs who found it fast and comfortable, quite capable of keeping up with Bob Sampson’s Laser Full. They were followed over the line by Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert in a Club Bosun, by James Pollard (Laser), Bob Sampson (Laser) and Jane Anderson who, in the stronger winds of the morning, had chosen her Topper. James Pollard, in the beat past Zebra and up to Inlet, established a lead which never looked in doubt. Bob Sampson also rounded Inlet ahead of the Wayfarer but that lead was threatened for a while. The two boats were very close as they rounded Dam Green at the end of lap 1 and it was only on lap 3 that Bob got a couple of minutes ahead. Behind came Nathan Pollard in a Laser Radial in front of his father Brian, the Topper of Jane Anderson, whom the handicap promoted to winner, Toby Tobias and Sally Wills (Bosun) and Geoff Floyd (Solo). It was one of those races with a lap chart showing the boats in the same order every lap. That doesn’t mean they weren’t competing!


1.       Jane Anderson (Topper)

2.       James Pollard (Laser)

3.       Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

4.       Bob Sampson (Laser)

5.       Adam Hilton and John Dabbs (Wayfarer)

6.       Toby Tobias and Sally Wills (Bosun)

7.       Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)

8.       Geoff Floyd (Solo)

Grateful thanks were given to Robin Spiller who ran the race and especially to Paul Anderson and Jane Chadney for their struggles with the safety boat.

There was no time left to run the programmed Barnwell 7.