15th May 2016 gallery images John Dabbs and Adam Hilton show ahead of the pack at the start of the midday race; Nicky Buckett goes for the minority option, with a port tack start Well into the first lap, Nicky Buckett and Brian Pollard are going well to still be ahead of some of the Lasers, resulting in their eventual second place on handicap Jane Anderson in the lead as she finds some breeze on the beat back up the lake on the way to her eventual victory James Pollard and Adam Hilton still in close contention as they beat across from Dam Green as they near the start of the second lap Annie Quartermain and Linda Spiller jostling for position in their full-rig Lasers John Dabbs and Cilla Gilbert out in John’s Gull Lots of pressure on the pin end of the line in the afternoon race Moments after the start, Bob Sampson makes an early tack into clean air on port in the background, a move that gave him a substantial early lead that he retained right into the third lap