4th September 2024 Race Report

Roger’s Bowl 9

There had been a lot of wind in the morning and as a result some cautious decisions were
taken for the two o’clock race. The two Solos – Dave Perrett’s and Geoff Floyd’s – flew small
sails. Of the three Bosuns only Roger Heasman’s had full size sails; John Dabbs’ (Leila Farmer
crewing) had a reef in the main and Adam Hilton’s (with Linda Spiller) had hoisted small
Otter sails. Of the Lasers, Sue Murray had a 4.7 whereas Liam Routley had a full-sized sail
and didn’t care a fig that it capsized him twice.

The Dabbs/Farmer Bosun crossed the line first with Dave Perrett second and the
Hilton/Spiller Bosun third. But more important was how many tacks it took to get to Middle.
The high pointing Solo got round that buoy first but by the end of the lap Sue Murray’s Laser
had slipped past and led from then on. Roger Heasman kept his Bosun in a very respectable
third place. Behind him Geoff Floyd and Liam Routley swapped places a time or two. The
Hilton/Spiller Bosun toured in last except for a brief lead over its Dabbs/Farmer sister when
a tack went particularly well. The four laps took the leader a few seconds less than an hour
and the tail-enders twenty minutes more.

  1. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
  2. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  3. Roger Heasman and Andy (Bosun)
  4. John Dabbs and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
  5. Adam Hilton and Linda Spiller (Bosun)
  6. Liam Routley (Laser Full)
    Retired: Geoff Floyd (Solo)

Thanks were given to race officers Linda and Robin Spiller.