14th August 2024 Race Report

Roger’s Bowl 6

The winds had abandoned their brief sojourn in the East and were blowing from a more
familiar Northwest at a speed of 13mph, plus gusts of course, but coming over a reasonably
smooth contour, they were comparatively friendly gusts. It was sunny. There were no

The four Solos in the race were all equipped with small sails, by agreement among their
helms. Rob Spiller got his over the start line first followed by John Dabbs with Graham Joyce
in a reefed Bosun and then Linda Spiller in the sole Laser Radial. Rick Thurlow’s course went
from a far side start around Zebra to West, then across to Middle and up to Far. Apart from
a brief reach across the centre of the Lake this was all beating and it put a premium on the
boat/helm’s ability to point high. The Spiller Laser was first around Zebra but couldn’t make
west in one tack which Adam Hilton’s Solo could. He took a lead which was not
subsequently relinquished. The Dabbs/Joyce Bosun, one of three in the race, was third at
the end of lap 1 but Roger Heasman’s sister ship with Bob Sampson as crew had a full
mainsail and took over as lead Bosun. Dave Perrett, whose Solo was only fifth at the start
pulled himself up to be the second of the Solos, third boat to finish. The handicap gave Linda
Spiller victory by a few seconds.

  1. Linda Spiller (Laser Radial)
  2. Adam Hilton (Solo)
  3. Roger Heasman and Bob Sampson(Bosun)
  4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  5. John Dabbs and Graham Joyce (Bosun)
  6. Robin Spiller (Solo)
    Retired: Colin and Louise Witchell (Bosun), Geoff Floyd (Solo)

Thanks were given to race officer Rick Thurlow