31st July 2024 Race Report

Roger’s Bowl 5

It was a very hot afternoon with no wind on arrival at the lake, however just before the start a decent breeze raised the prospect of a good race. 

Seven boats took to the water, with the added challenge of a group of kayaks close to the start line.  Robin was first over the  line in his solo, followed by John and Leila in the bosun.  Adam deftly slalomed through the kayaks to the first buoy!  Skillfully managed to move from 6th to 1st before the second buoy on the first lap and remained in front throughout.  Four laps, with everyone well spaced out, so no pressure at each buoy and little opportunity to improve position.

  1. Bob Sampson, Laser full
  2. Sue Murray, Laser radial
  3. Adam Hilton, Solo
  4. Linda Spiller, Laser radial
  5. John Dabbs & Leila Farmer, Bosun
  6. Robin Spiller, Solo
    Retired John Bucket, Otter

Thanks were given to Colin and Louise Witchell who ran the races

Photo taken just before the start.