24th July 2024 Race Report

Roger’s Bowl 4

This damp, grey afternoon had a light but gusty south-westerly blowing across the Lake.
Seven boats lined up for a very close start, all boats bunched close together at the line,
jostling for position. Unfortunately the Adam Hilton/Stuart Wolf Bosun crossed the line
early and turning back put them well behind by the time the fleet reached the windward
mark. Leading the pack at this point was Bob Sampson (Laser Full), followed by closely by
Ian Chatterton (Enterprise), Sue Murray (Laser 4.7) and John Dabbs’ Bosun with Leila Farmer
crewing. There was plenty of close manoeuvring between these three boats for second
place but Ian found handling the two-person Enterprise on his own a handful in such gusty
conditions, just about keeping it together at Middle buoy but losing ground as Sue moved
into second position. The wind was doing strange things near the Dam which, coupled with
Ian mistakenly going the wrong way round the buoy (but luckily realising and correcting his
mistake), presented a challenge to everyone.
Bob, making the most of his Laser with a full sail, stretched his lead in the second lap.
Meanwhile an interesting race developed for second place, Sue gradually stretching her
lead over John and Ian but with frequent shuffling of positions. The Dam Green mark almost
proved fatal for Bob on the final lap as he pirouetted, having hit the buoy with his boom and
then snagging his mainsheet, just about keeping upright as the wind played games and
crossing the finish line 10 minutes before the next boat. Sue was next, followed by John, Ian
and Adam. The two toppers followed, having had been sailed consistently well throughout
the race and benefitting from the handicap system in the final results.
The Adam/Stuart Bosun swapped helm during the race so is not represented in the official

  1. Bob Sampson (Laser Full)
  2. Ethan Walker (Topper)
  3. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
  4. John Dabbs and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
  5. Milo Steer (Topper)
  6. Ian Chatterton (Enterprise)
    Disqualified: Adam Hilton and Stuart Wolf (Bosun)

Thanks were given to race officer Dave Perrett