30th June 2024 Race Report

Tamar 6

In surprisingly cold and gusty winds (considering the local weather forecast), 5 boats set of for the morning race heading northwards for Home 2 buoy.  Dave Perrett (Solo) was first over the line at the start gun followed by Roger Heasman and Liam Routley  (Bosun).  However, it was Nathan Pollard (Laser) who was first to the buoy, then Dave (Solo), Jane Anderson (Topper), Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun), and Roger with Liam then brought up the rear.  Brian and Natasha managed to overtake Jane just before the final buoy of the lap at Dam.  But it was Nathan who shot ahead on the 2nd lap in some challenging gusts.  Jane then managed to overtake Brian and Natasha again by H2 buoy and fended him off for the rest of the race.  Dave was chasing Nathan and also pulling away from the fleet ahead of Jane and that was how the positions stayed until the end of what was a gusty and sometimes uncomfortable morning!!

Results:  After the Portsmouth Handicaps were applied to the different classes of boats (depending on size, speed through the water, etc) the results were as follows:-

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. Brian Pollard with crew Natasha Routley (Bosun)
  4. David Perrett (Solo)
  5. Roger Heasman with crew Liam Routley (Bosun)

Sailboat 5

We were all hoping that the moderating winds over the lunch period would remain for the afternoon race, but no such luck!  Nathan, Dave, Brian and Natasha, Jane, and new Junior Member Liam (now helming the Heasman Bosun) all started in that order with Brian and Natasha (Bosun) and John Dabbs and Linda Spillar (Bosun) bringing up the rear . In the somewhat feisty conditions John with Crew Linda Spiller touched a mark and had to do a penalty turn.  As the race progressed, overcrowding by 3 boats whilst rounding Dam Mark produced a momentary windless patch which Jane promptly fell into.  This then put John Dabbs and Linda into an awkward rounding position, but all eventually sorted themselves out with Liam and Roger coming out on top!  As then race progressed in an orderly fashion until the finish.

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Full)
  3. David Perrett (Solo)
  4. Brian Pollard and Tasha (Bosun)
  5. John Dabbs and Linda Spiller (Bosun)

Sadly, Liam (with Roger as crew) had to retire when he missed a mark of the course, which was a shame, but he managed the Bosun very comfortably – well done!!.

Thanks to Bob Sampson for Race Officer Duties, Mandy Pollard for the photo, and Jane for writing this report.