5th June 2024 Race Report

Midweek Tankard 10

It was great to see the return of both John Buckett and Toby to our race fleet today. As a result, four Bosuns launched with initial trepidation into the now familiar Force 3-4 NW wind, joined by Sue in her Laser 4.7 and Dave in his Solo, sporting his older sail. John B’s Bosun (John helming, with Toby as crew), Roger’s Bosun (Nessy helming – her first race as helm, with Roger as crew) and John D’s Bosun with John helming and Adam as crew) all decided after some mutual discussion to go for full size sails. Louise’s Bosun (Louise helming, Colin as crew) decided to play safer and hoist their set of small sails.

Sue was first across the start line, closely followed by Ian then John D. John D managed to overtake Ian’s Enterprise (Ian helming, Linda as crew) on the first beat to Inlet, but had to defer to Ian at the buoy as Ian had acquired an inside overlap. The result was that Ian emerged in front of John D’s Bosun after rounded the buoy and led these two boats’ race to West, following Sue in her Laser 4.7. These all retained their positions until the end of the 4-lap race.

Sadly, Louise’s Bosun suffered from a torn sail and was forced to retire on only their first lap. Dave hung on doggedly to his 4th place, while the two Bosuns of John B and Nessy were having their own contest at the back of the fleet, becoming just a bit too friendly at one point resulting in a penalty 720 deg for one of them. Congratulations to Nessy for completing her first race as helm in rather robust weather conditions.

  1. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7)
  2. John Dabbs/Adam Hilton (Bosun)
  3. Ian Chatterton/Linda Spiller (Enterprise)
  4. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  5. John Buckett/Toby Tobias (Bosun)
  6. Nessy Johns (Bosun)

Retired: Louise/Colin Witchell (Bosun)

Thanks go to Robin for his work as our OOD.