26th May 2024 Race Report

Barnwell 4

The morning racing commenced in very challenging conditions with strong gusts marching down the lake in the Northwesterly winds.  At the start gun Vicki Duncalf was first over line but by the first mark of the course she was overtaken by Nathan Pollard in his full rig Laser.  By West, Dave Perrett (Solo), having started last, was up to 3rd place and he kept that position to the finish.  Vicki in her Topper had an unfortunate capsize before Dam Green at the end of lap 2 in what was rather challenging conditions, but she managed to smartly right her boat and continue the race.

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser)
  3. Dave Perrett (Solo)
  4. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)
  5. Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun)

Cup 3

With the winds seemingly more of a challenge than in the morning, again Vicki was first over the start line, and by the first mark Nathan had yet again overtaken her to take the lead – this time in his smaller Radial sail.  He was then followed by Brian in his yellow Bosun with new crew Natasha Routley; the 2 Toppers of Vicki and Jane bringing up the rear.  At Inlet Jane managed to nip in and overtake Brian and Natasha to put herself in 2nd place.  This order continued for the rest of the race when we were all rather grateful to come ashore for a lay-down after a rather energetic day’s racing!!

  1. Jane Anderson (Topper)
  2. Nathan Pollard (Laser Radial)
  3. Vicki Duncalf (Topper),
  4. Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun)

Thanks to Geoff Floyd for running the races, Jane Anderson for writing the race report and Mandy Pollard for taking the photos.