Wednesday 13th September 2023 Race Report

by Louise Witchell

Louise Witchell

Teacake 5

Due to light winds from the south east and a fishing competition, a simple triangular course was set.  Two bosuns and two solos taking part – John Dabbs bosun with Leila Farmer crewing and Rick Thurlow taking out the club bosun with Penny Abbott crewing.  Geoff Floyd and Graham Joyce helming solos.

John/Leila were first across the start, followed by Geoff, Rick/Penny, then Graham.  Geoff, finding wind, was first to middle buoy before lack of wind made for a frustrating race, but lovely reflections!  The order remained unchanged with Geoff crossing the finish of the shortened course, just as the winds picked up.

What little wind there was changed direction which meant there was a beat on a different leg each lap!

After handicaps were applied, first place was handed to John and Leila.

  1. John Dabbs and Leila Farmer (Bosun)
  2. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  3. Rick Thurlow and Penny Abbott (Bosun)
  4. Graham Joyce (Solo)


Summer Fruits 4

By the second race the winds had moved through 180° to north west, reversing the course.  Ian Chatterton, with Katy Chatterton crewing his enterprise, joined for this race.

Ian/Katy were first over the start line, followed by Geoff, Rick/Penny, Leila now helming John’s bosun and Graham.  Several tacks were required to reach west white buoy and made a much more competitive race.

A penalty for Leila/John allowed Geoff to overtake at west white and Rick/Penny to close the gap.  On the last lap, Geoff pulled ahead of Ian/Katy after dam green, only for Ian steal the lead by one second at the finish.

After handicaps were applied, the bosuns prevailed with Leila/John taking first place.

  1. Leila Farmer and John Dabbs (Bosun)
  2. Rick Thurlow and Penny Abbott (Bosun)
  3. Geoff Floyd (Solo)
  4. Ian Chatterton and Katy Chatterton (Enterprise)

Retired Graham Joyce ( Solo)

Many thanks to Louise & Colin Witchell for OODing the races and taking the photos.