Wednesday 3rd August 2022 Race Report

by Adam Hilton

Teatime Plate 1

The forecast was for grey skies and force 3 gusting 4. What turned up was sun and force 2 gusting 3. Too late! The fair-weather sailors had already decided there were more important things to do (mending knees, tending children). On the other hand the fleet received a very welcome visit from a rare bird, Steve Axford, who took out his Laser Radial. John Dabbs had Louise Witchell as crew in Quebec and Adam Hilton’s Bosun had David Perrett up front. The water of the Lake was still just as low so all that was done to Nicky Buckett’s Sunday straight-up-and-down course was to extend it, now that there were no fishermen, to Pinky. Steve Axford got away well and soon pulled out a lead although not a big one until the third (and last) lap. John Dabbs followed, kept thoroughly honest (again for the first two laps) by the Hilton/Perret Bosun. John and Ruth Savage came to the Lake and Dave Perrett took the opportunity to buy John’s Solo. Expect to see it on the water with a sparkling new coat of paint shortly.

  1. John Dabbs and Louise Witchell (Bosun)
  2. Adam Hilton and David Perrett (Bosun)
  3. Steve Axford (Laser Radial)


Adam Hilton should have run the races but was needed on the water so pressed the button and ran.