Wednesday 9th June 2021 Race Report

Midweek Mug 7

The day was grey, dismal, occasionally damp. The winds were fitful, undecided as to strength or direction. As for direction, Penny Abbott, the day’s OOD, started the first race towards the Dam and the second towards West White. And in the case of strength, the wind abandoned the leader, Linda Spiller (Laser Full) on a piece of glass in the first race so that her competitors caught up and sent down a gust vicious enough to flip her over in the second, achieving the same effect.

The theoretical double-handers consisted of John Dabbs, not double-handed at all, but alone in his Bosun and doing very well in it, Louise and Colin Witchell with Bob Sampson aboard telling them to point higher and not treat the next buoy as an unexploded mine and Ian Chatterton alone in his Enterprise and not really racing yet. The other Laser, flying a Radial, had Mel Sampson in it, increasing in confidence by the minute. Adam Hilton was there in his anaemic white Solo with the high-tec sail and Robin Spiller had his Streaker on the water; he wanted more wind but that didn’t stop him getting over the line first even if it was Linda Spiller who got round Dam Green in the lead, a lead she never relinquished. The Solo spent the race in second, with the Streaker in third and John Dabbs in fourth until Mel Sampson overtook him. The handicaps made Linda and John swap places but left everyone else where they’d finished on the water.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 John Dabbs BOSUN 1233 0:45:12 0:36:40
2 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 0:42:55 0:37:31
3 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1134 0:43:51 0:38:40
4 Mel Sampson LASER RADIAL 1113 0:43:47 0:39:20
5 Linda Spiller LASER 1075 0:42:36 0:39:38
6 Louise Witchell Colin & Bob BOSUN 1233 0:52:15 0:42:23

Not starting: Ian Chatterton


Teatime Plate 3

Linda Spiller was again first away and first all the way but the afore-mentioned capsize reduced her lead at the end to fifty seconds over Mel Sampson who had disposed of the Bosun and the Solo just after West White. That made Adam Hilton, who hadn’t realised that the course had changed until the last minute, last. However he was able to catch and gradually overtake John Dabbs Bosun on the long reach back from Pinky; no chance of catching Mel Sampson, planing across the middle of the Lake like a good’un. Corrected results show only 34 seconds between first and last!

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Rating Elapsed Corrected
1 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 0:37:45 0:33:00
2 John Dabbs BOSUN 1233 0:40:51 0:33:08
3 Mel Sampson LASER RADIAL 1113 0:36:56 0:33:11
4 Linda Spiller LASER 1075 0:36:05 0:33:34

Grateful thanks were given to Penny Abbott, Officer of the Day.