18th October 2020 Race Report

Photos taken by Vicki on Adam’s camera


More photos taken by Nicky

Covid-19 Autumn 6

Eight boats started in a light south easterly breeze. The whole fleet were a little tardy to cross the line but Penny Abbott (Laser) was the first to cross followed closely by Linda Spiller(Laser). There was then a melee of boats gathered around the first mark but soon the breeze increased a bit and the boats headed up the lake with Penny having established a good lead. It was good to see John Buckett (Otter) sailing again and looking very comfortable sailing in his favoured wind conditions. At the end of lap one Linda had taken over the lead with Penny and Jane Anderson (Laser Radial) close behind. During the second lap the officer of the day shortened the course to two laps, although some boats took advantage of a slight increase in the breeze close to the finishing line. The results on handicap showed the light wind specialist John Buckett had won with only 9 seconds separating the first three positions.


Rank HelmName CrewName Class UTLSC PN Elapsed Corrected
1 John Buckett OTTER 1279 56:47 0:44:24
2 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1115 49:36 0:44:29
3 Linda Spiller LASER 1075 47:51 0:44:31
4 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 51:13 0:44:46
5 John Dabbs BOSUN 1234 55:57 0:45:20
6 Robin Spiller STREAKER 1133 53:48 0:47:29
7 Penny Abbott LASER 1075 51:38 0:48:02
8 Paul Anderson LASER 1075 53:39 0:49:54

Covid-19 Autumn 7

In the afternoon a very jazzy and colourful Hartley 12.2 joined the racing helmed by Anna Farmer and crewed by Mum, Leila. Jane Anderson crossed the line just ahead of Adam Hilton (Solo) They headed up the lake with Adam leading and then Jane Anderson just ahead of Penny. At the end of lap one Jane took a course tacking towards the Cornwall bank and seemed to lose out to Penny and Adam who stuck to the centre of the lake. At the end of lap one Jane and husband Paul (Laser) crossed the start line one second apart. Penny, Jane and Adam were all very close as they rounded zebra buoy but unfortunately a slight tap cost Jane a 720° penalty which lost her some time. Adam continued to forge a good lead finding the favourable gusts and it was never in doubt that he would emerge the winner.

Rank HelmName CrewName Class UTLSC PN Elapsed Corrected
1 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 58:45 0:51:21
2 John Buckett OTTER 1279 1:06:20 0:51:52
3 John Dabbs BOSUN 1234 1:05:20 0:52:57
4 Jane Anderson LASER RADIAL 1115 59:29 0:53:21
5 Penny Abbott LASER 1075 59:07 0:55:00
6 Paul Anderson LASER 1075 59:22 0:55:13
7 Anna Farmer Leila Farmer HARTLEY 12.2 1188 RET

Thanks to Vicki Duncalf for running the races and to Bob Sampson and Sue Murray for the cold job of safety boat.