Wednesday 15th July 2020 Race Report

A grey day that got sunnier, a windy day that got calmer, to the extent that competitors were near becalmed in the lee of the headland at Inlet. Bob Sampson started the horn sequence and sprinted for his Laser Radial. And got himself over the line first. Sue Murray (Laser 4.7) followed with Adam Hilton’s Solo behind her. John Dabbs, small sails on his Bosun, followed somewhat to leeward and Louise and Colin Witchell were also on the water, but not competing. The first buoy was Zebra, included to celebrate its reinstatement (thank you to John Dabbs and Aaron Bunning), the next, West, was still a beat, as was the next leg to Pinky. That was a tricky one because the wind, channelled between the hills, left Bob Murray to leeward of the buoy and having to put in another tack. His lead was sufficient to maintain his first place. Lap 2 left the positions unchanged but on the third lap, at windless Inlet, the Solo picked up the breeze before Sue Murray’s 4.7 and, after another lucky puff, rounded Dam Green before her, crossing the finish line a few heartbeats ahead.

Midweek Mug uses UTLSC class PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class PN Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Sue Murray LASER 4.7 1190 40:07 0:33:43 1.0
2 Bob Sampson LASER RADIAL 1115 37:42 0:33:49 2.0
3 Adam Hilton SOLO 1144 40:00 0:34:58 3.0
4 John Dabbs BOSUN 1234 49:00 0:39:42 4.0

Teatime Tankard uses personal PNs

Rank HelmName CrewName Class Personal PN Elapsed Corrected Points
1 Bob Sampson LASER RADIAL 1115 37:42 0:33:49 1.0
2 Sue Murray LASER 4.7 1161 40:07 0:34:33 2.0
3 Adam Hilton SOLO 1136 40:00 0:35:13 3.0
4 John Dabbs BOSUN 1267 49:00 0:38:40 4.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.2