Small friendly sailing club, based at Upper Tamar Lake, with dinghy racing, cruising and a busy social programme
24th June 2018 gallery images
A slow motion start towards Dam Red into what had been a roughly south-easterly breeze, which gradually died away. In the left of shot, Robin Spiller and Jane Anderson followed a promising zephyr that took them towards the Watersports Centre – and then died. Jane managed to regain the fleet, but Robin was left stranded. Near to Home 1, Linda Spiller headed towards the Devon Bank, a stategy that eventually paid off
As is so often on a light winds race day, the front of the fleet managed to keep going – and here can br seen in the distance, having rounded both Zebra and West White – and are well on their way towards Pinky – whilst in the foreground, the wind had completely died and left much of the fleet completely stranded
Plenty of time for a chat: alan Comber in the Enterprise exchanges a few words with Roger Heasman halming the bosun – whilst John Dabbs looks forward for any signs of movement on the water
Much more wind for the afternoon race, when a sea breeze made it a much less frustrating time for helms and crews: here, the fleet starts on the long beat to the first mark at Pinky
Two of our newer helms at the club: in the foreground Cilla takes the tiller in Brian’s bosun, whilst in the background, Sally Wills has got to windward in the ‘Rob Eason’
The fleet heading upwind on starboard tack, forcing helms to have to carefully judge their moment when needing to head back across the lake on port
Excellent close-up of Jane Anderson and Nathan Pollard side-by-side in their Lasers
To the surprise of many (including the OOD), the sea breeze got suffieintly powerful (particularly across the middle of the lake) that boats were planing or, ashere, Robin Spiller is having to hike out as he beats upwind in his Streaker