28th August 2016 gallery images A port-tack start on the first beat to West White; Jane Chadney nicely positioned to windward at the front Just after the start; noticeable how the boats that are closest to the shore have less pronounced wakes than those further out, presumably a result of the wind shadow effect of the trees behind the dinghy park Linda Spiller having a great race in her Laser, close up behind James Pollard on the way to a 4th place on handicap Penny Abbot helming the Bosun, crewed by new members Bob and Ann Bennett, out in their first race with the club James Pollard leaves the rest of the fleet in his wake at the start of the afternoon Cup Race The top end of the lake filled with the 18-strong fleet:good spectator sport for the Bank Holiday visitors to Tamar More new members, Raily, Mario and Orlando Graham, crewing under the watchful eye of Adam Hilton The Enterprise heads a group of boats round the dogleg between the newly-replaced Inlet White buoy (many thanks, Matt) and Zebra, giving an enjoyable short reach across the windiest part of the lake