22nd April 2018 race report

AM: Cup Race 2

With the promise of sunshine unfulfilled, 11 boats set off for the first race in drizzle with 2 keen starters sadly over the line as the gun went.  Sailors found it difficult to fetch the first mark (West White) in one tack in the gusty conditions, but the 2 Lasers of Bob Sampson and Nathan Pollard had clear wind and were able to make it in one.  Bob took the early lead followed by Nathan and then the Herbert-Coulsons in their new Wayfarer purchase.  The positions didn’t change much in the 2nd lap, however there were three capsizes in the gusts – the two Janes and also John Dabbs (all recovered safely).  Nicky Buckett and Sally Wills were having a great race in their Bosun and were not far from Bob in the final calculations, but it was Bob’s day and he took line honours as the lake became shrouded in fog, and also took first place on handicap.


1. Bob Sampson (Laser)

2  Nicky Buckett and Sally Wills (Bosun)

3. Nathan Pollard (Laser)

4.Mike and Vicky Herbert-Coulson (Wayfarer)

5. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)

6. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

7. Jane Chadney (Laser Radial)

8. Geoff Floyd  (Solo)

9. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial).

John Buckett (Otter) and John Dabbs (Gull) both retired.

PM: Ladies Cup, Gents Trophy and Gosling Shield

Numbers were reduced to 7 participants for this combined series of races in misty drizzly conditions and still very gusty.  This time it was the Wayfarer who took the lead followed by the Lasers of Bob, Nathan and Jane Anderson, and the change of course made sailors take note of wind directions and dull patches.  With the spinnaker up, Vicki and Mike extended their lead but unfortunately missed out a buoy at the end of the first lap.  Nathan took up the leader’s position with Jane and Bob fighting it out behind.  Further back, Vicki Duncalf in her Topper was having a flyer of a race as was Geoff Floyd.  Bob made an error on the 2nd lap, missing a mark and then returning to round it which allowed Jane Anderson to slip into his position.  Brian and Cilla in their Bosun were also having a good race on Brian’s Birthday and enjoying the afternoon’s racing.


Gosling Shield:

1. Jane Anderson (Laser Radial)

2. Vicki Duncalf (Topper)

3. Nathan Pollard (Laser)

4. Bob Sampson (Laser)

5. Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert (Bosun)

6. Geoff Floyd (Solo).

Mike and Vicki Herbert-Coulson (Wayfarer) retired.

Ladies Cup:

1.  Jane Anderson

2. Vicki Duncalf

Gents Trophy:

1. Nathan Pollard

2 Bob Sampson

3. Brian Pollard

4. Geoff Floyd

Many thanks to Sue Murray for OOD duties and writing this report.