18th September 2016 gallery images Always an interesting first few seconds when there’s a split on whether to go for a port or starboard tack start, though the light winds for the midday race meant that helms had longer to respond to calls of ‘Starboard’ Looking for the wind – and the best line – to the the first mark Really good to see two rarely-raced boats out on the water: Elliot Pomeroy and crew Rachael are out in Wayfarer 4004 (formerly raced at Tamar by Roger Ford and Val Shillito), whilst Brian Pollard and Cilla Gilbert head downwind in the Kestrel Nathan and John in close company in their Toppers Relatively rare to see four Lasers in such tight competition at Tamar in the later stages of a race: here Bob Sampson (who went on to win) leads this quartet, whilst Sue Murray (in the red-hulled boat) came in an excellent second Start of the afternoon race, with James Pollard showing at the head of the fleet Interesting shot of the opening beat to West White: although camera angles can be deceiving, it looks as though Jane Anderson and Bob Sampson, tighter in to the Cornwall bank, have got a higher line to the mark than the boats further out in the lake Jane Anderson getting her Laser onto the plane in the afternoon, on her way to victory in the second race